(I’m really bad at fighting dragons)
December 15, 2014
2:47 am
I think we can all agree Clanboss Goathucker is the best character in the game
I think we can all agree Clanboss Goathucker is the best character in the game
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Discussion (124) ¬
So.. basically.. feed the dragon so much that s/he goes into a food coma.. then kill it?
Seems like a good plan.
Yup, a legit plan!
Reminds me of a version of a Polish folktale in which the Wawel Dragon is tricked into eating a lamb stuffed with sulphur. The beast gets so thirsty that it drinks half of a river, swells up and explodes.
Pop goes the dragon… ^^;;
Yes! I remember peasants tried to do the same thing in The Witcher books, but it only pissed him off there
So that’s what that referred to! Heeeee. :D
Or in Okami, where you get Orochi drunk on sake to beat the snot out of him :P
Huh. That explains the origin of that one episode of Digimon Tamers where Hirokazu got his Guardromon partner. Good to know it was a reference to something.
A slovene folktale as well, except they fed the dragon a donkey.
Or lamb ,it depends of version, but i think that with lamb is original version
Dragon Age dragon rules: 2-legs boy, 4-legs girl… … …unless they retconned that too…
errr where did you get that? even in dragon age origins male dragons AKA drakes had 4 legs female how ever get wings as well as 4 legs, drake may how ever have two spins on the shoulders where wings would have been if they had been female.
Dragon Age: Origins codex page for Dragon says “Female dragons take much longer to mature than their male counterparts. They too undergo a metamorphosis of sorts at adulthood; But while males lose the use of their forepaws, females actually grow a third set of limbs specifically to serve as wings.”
… … …and looking back at the actual game itself…the codex entry is a lie…males just grow spikes on their shoulders and do keep their front legs. (I had just assumed all of the ones I ran across were juveniles)
Ya have to read this in a Grounds Keep Willie voice.
I guess instead of the age-old adage of “KILL IT WITH FIRE” we can instead use “BLUDGEON IT WITH GOATS!”.
…Okay, that’s just ridiculous ^^;;
You are thinking of the Scottish there mate. :D
Monster-Truck it with a Dodge!
I’ve always thought that putting Dodge on the front of a truck was a good idea. You *know* they’re after you because they put the driver’s instructions on the side of the truck…
…OK, that one was a stretch.
How about just “KILL IT WITH KIDS!”? I speak from experience when I say that some goat kids aren’t particularly shy about jumping into the air and using humans’ chests as springboards to get more altitude, and if their hooves weren’t blunt…
B4tt3ry 1t 1nto 4 subm1ss1on w1th 4 po1nty horn3d hoofb34st not r34lly cr34t3d for such 4 t4sk through th4t 1s obv1ously th3 jok3
Did you travel here from the distant land of 1998?
Not really, just from around the corner, where the webcomics with constant Time Shenanigans reside (like when the Commander traveled back in time to punch himself in the face and take his own coffee). They’ve got 1337$P34|< 8)
Slap it with Sheep.
Cap it with a Capricorn!
Douse it with Dairy!
Bonk it with Bovines
Punch it with poultry.
Trounce it with turkey.
Great, now all I can think of is a cow Scout. Mad Milk indeed.
Slap it with salmon.
Bully it with a Billy!
Un-life it with ungulates
I love that guy. Both for his amazing reaction to my killing his son and because aiming him at Tevinter finally got me enough approval with bull to get his personal quest.
The structure Tevinter is in a total uproar at the sudden increase in ruminant related air drops.
That whole trial is awesome
The judge is awesome
Player Characters often are.
Fighting a dragon by throwing goats at it! Brilliant! When the battle’s over, mutton feast for everyone! I just hope they brought enough goats.
They brought lambs & sheeps too, if you know what i mean ^_^
The way Dragon Age games build characters, I can easily believe that…
At first sight I thought it was Canada guy because of the beard, but then it hit me, he would be throwing a Moose
Moose are for wuss. The Canada guy should hurl a GRIZZLY!
Nah man, mooses are scary. They’ll fuck you up and won’t take shit from anybody.
My sister got bit by a moose once.
Of course, moose bites can be pretty nasty…
Monty Python reference?
I wondered at first why that sheep was getting bigger…Then it hit me.
Okay, I admit this comment wasn’t *entirely* original…http://www.badideatshirts.com/SOMETIMES-I-WONDER-WHY-IS-THAT-FRISBEE-GETTING-BIGGER-THEN-IT-HITS-ME-FUNNY-T-SHIRT–P748.aspx
Goat throwing… is this an evolution of dwarf tossing? Or is this a precursor there of?
I don’t rightly know, but this would have made at least one old grind in Ragnarok Online a hell of a lot more fun…
Oh god, is it killing Giearths? Because if it is, I had repressed that memory for so long, and now it’s back. DAMN YOU.
Dwarfs ride goats in some fantasy things. Maybe someone threw a dwarf cavalryman and two different sports split off from it.
I have never played this game but even I am chuckling
Is this actually a thing? A Clanboss Goathucker search only leads to this specific comic, but if this is actually a thing I’m going to get a copy asap (rather then wait for it to come down to a price more in line with that of the rest of the planet).
He’s actually an Avvar chieftain, you meet him at skyhold after you do a quest in the Mire to rescue some hostages.
So you DON’T get him as party member, and i almost was interested about this game
It’s actually a thing, yep. As Coel said, he shows up after you do a rescue mission in the bog. He doesn’t care that you killed his son, because he was an idiot (he says as much), and then throws a goat at your castle as his token response.
Clanboss Goathucker needs to become a party member in a DLC.
Please tell me there’s actually a goat-throwing mechanic o_o
There is, but only the devs get to have access to it.
I don’t know what the other alternatives are to giving this guy literally all the weapons he and his clan can carry and aiming them at the Vints, because why should I care what the alternatives are when I can do THAT? This is one time when I wish that the decision wheel had that option, and three “NO, MORON, TRY ONE OF THE OTHER ONES.”
Ach, well, some deranged people also kill Wrex.
I imagined him carting every goat in Thedas along with him. No swords or axes, just a massive herd of goats.
youtube to the rescue!
I love how Iron Bull is just standing there Jazzed that they are battling a dragon.
Haha, oh boy. Try talking to Bull after you’ve taken him to kill a dragon. That’s a weird conversation. Basically he’s going to pleasure himself later.
Iron Bull really, really, REALLY loves killing dragons.
Man, this guy NEEDS to make a cameo in the next expansion of Goat Simulator.
I’ve yet to get this far in DA:I…
Now I really, really want to.
It’s a side quest to a side quest to a side region the main quest never takes you to, so you may not get it. I didn’t during my first play through. You have to unlock it via the war map, it’s a mission you get right from the start, ‘Save Soldiers in Ferelden’. Unlocking the mission opens up the Fallow Mires region. It’s level 10-11 if I recall right. I’m doing it religiously with every character now. Because GOAT SHOT!
aww… i like goats. i hope none were actually harmed in the making of this cartoon!
Man, that’s one battered ram.
i c wut u did ther
Their horns are getting weirder and weirder, I swear.
It’s a headdress; he’s just a human. The only qunari in this page are Iron Bull and the Inquisitor.
Honestly, I’m not tired of Rock Lobster or anything, but I am really digging the adventures of Stan.
Awesome comic. I want this guy on my team now too. (Blackwall makes almost a good a straight man as Cass, doesn’t he :) )
Have you fought the Abyssal High Dragon of the Western Approach yet? It takes forever just to set the fight up – five quests and a dungeon crawl IIRC – and the dragon’s as ornery as you can expect. But the post-fight full cinematic drinking bout with Iron Bull afterwards? MAKES IT ALL WORTH IT! ANAAN!!
For those of you wasting your life with $not_dragon_age, you can
(Needs to be a better clip, the *smack* sound is off on this version, but he picks the best option the game gives you at the end. I like the comic’s version the best though.)
so i followed that link watched then followed it up with a corpse in a box on trial… i NEED this game.
Coelasquid, you’ve made my day. Thank you.
For some reason, this just reminds me of:
“And then Lancelot, Galahad, and I…leap out of the rabbit!”
Yeah we get it, you want some Qunari dick. I actually won money on a bet that you’d make another comic about them.
The fact that this is a comic about a human chieftain who throws sheep at your castle in the game and not a Qunari at all aside, yeah dude, no surprise I draw characters about my favourite characters in the games I like. You are free to draw comics about all of your favourite characters, but when I give up my Sundays to draw video game webcomics, it’s gonna be about my faves.
Someone has a humbug up their craw. Seriously Rnon, tis the season to be less dickish! Fa la la la la la la la la!
If you don’t like it, go read another webcomic.
Congratulations on having a friend that’s not only dumb enough to take a bet on the plot of a webcomic, but also dumb enough to pay up even when he won. Of course, you’re not winning any prizes on intellect yourself by coming here and posting about it.
I really hope for your sake that this friend is also too dumb read the comments of the webcomic you two betted on, otherwise I imagine he’d be punching you in the face right about now. I know I would be, if I were him.
don’t worry Blackwall WE DO HAVE A MAGE FOR THAT!!!!
DA:I has some pure comic gold moments.
“With a goat?” Yeah hilarity. ^_^
IB romance is even moreso….
-Cullen opens door- “Inquisitor I… Oh sweet maker! Jcovers eyes with clipboard-
Naked Iron Bull: “Hows it goin?”
-Josephine walks in saying something- O.O “………… I can’t feel my legs”
-Cassandra walks in- “…….” O.o “………” o.O
The moral of the story boys and girls, never walk in uninvited! XD
I need to play this game.
It’s always refreshing when a parent realizes just how dumb their kids can be, rather than always assuming they’re perfect snowflakes of excellence.
Makes me think of the time this one college student got beat so badly at a party that he crapped his pants, he literally got the crap kicked out of him, and the first words out of his parents’ mouths when they came to pick him up were “Who do you owe money, and how much do you owe?” Brought a small tear to my eye to see parents who broke from the normal “How could this happen? My kid never does anything wrong!”
I love your comics Coelasquid.
I at first thought that this guy was the best part of DA:I, but then I judged a box and that had me chocking with laughter.
Ah DA:I. The game with such amazing humor and also such amazing feels. God I hope I get this for Christmas. The question now for me is: Elf or Qunari/Tal-Vashoth/Kossith/whatever the hell you wanna call them?
The key to fighting Dragons is Barrier timing and being in close proximity with it.
Spec Vivienne and her KE tree correctly and one fabulously dressed mage walks in, one fabulously dressed mage walks out.
I’m rather impressed at the comedic beat pause they added in the game between Josephine announcing that Movran was throwing goats at the castle, and then a cutscene actually showing it.
Wait until you judge a corpse in a box!
The true crime is how you drew Josephine’s hair.
Great comic besides that minor detail, however. (And if my comment earns a “FUCK YOU,” I understand.)
Blame the people who aren’t taking any good screen shots for me to use for reference, your highness.
You keep making these characters look fantastic and hilarious, and it’s even more delightful when I find out you’re not even exaggerating as much as I thought. I look forward eventually playing Inquisition! (And I’m just playing Origins this week, so only… five years to go)
I loved that guy! My first question was – Can you be on my team? Please?
Also – poor ‘Vints if you send his tribe to fight ;D
We need more heroes that use unconventional weapons to fight monsters, seriously.
Read HunterXHunter. Or watch the show, your choice.
Okay, did a little research and I see nothing that’s as unconventional as goat throwing. Umbrella swords and razor sharp playing cards are amateur hour.
There’s also a fishing pole, a swarm of bees, weaponizing of basic medicine, a gun that shoots memories, a mind-controlling cellphone, a living vacuum cleaner (it has teeth)…
I love these comics! Saved you to my bookmarks and removed adblock on this domain. One of the best online comics I have ever read!
Gawd, this was the best part of the game thus far, for me as well. Also, best party ever. Shuush, Blackwall dear, and enjoy yourself.
I do hope for an Ace Attorney and Dragon Age Inquisition crossover XD
This is literally how I reacted
There’s a very satisfying amount of horns in this comic.
Best detail has to be the goat eyes.
Ok im have to say it, am i the only one who isn’t jealous of Blackwalls’ beard?
I meant is jealous
Can you make the scene of the goat hitting the dragon into a wallpaper?
power order in dragon age 3: goats> knight enchanters>Dragons> Dorian Quips>battle Nugs (as long as not being ridden by said goats, then at bottom)
he this “Goat Guy”, looks really alike to Canada Guy, huuum
This was my favorite moment in the entire game. No kidding.
Hoping for a playable Avvar character in the next DA. They keep adding more stuff about them that I honestly want an Avvar character. :(
So like, I just started playing this game.
And then I killed the guy.
And then this guy showed up.
And then there was the quick cut to a goat getting hucked at the wall.
And I was laughing so much, and was just like. “Oh man. Y’know what? You’re uuuh…exiled from my lands! After a quick stop at the armory. And an escort to the borders of an enemy nation. Oh and yeah, Liliana? Make sure they get regular supply drops.”