It’s really quite riveting
February 1, 2016
2:59 am
Not gonna let these big dudes make his little girl feel like her important opinions aren’t worth listening to.
Not gonna let these big dudes make his little girl feel like her important opinions aren’t worth listening to.
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Dad of the year ladies and gentlemen(and everyone in between or outside the gender spectrum.)
Dad of the year, in the years 2016 and Generic Spacefuture. Probably a few in between and outside too.
Nondescript Spacefuture* Get it right, me.
Nah, you were right, he’s Day of the year in both the Nondescript AND Generic Futures.
I, however, wrote “Day of The Year” instead of “Dad of The Year”. I must not commit honorable seppuku.
Now, not “not”.
I have dishonored my seppuku with further typos! Curse these fingers of mine! They have robbed me of an honorable death!
Now you can apologize Yakuza style by cutting off your fingers, they deserve it anyway, solves two problems at once.
Let’s see…between “day of the year” & “not commit seppuku,” & the usual protocols for Yakuza atonement, both pinkie fingers should be sufficient.
For the eighth year running, and he’s looking like he’ll make it a solid 9 this year.
What kills me is the way he captures the ability of a little girl or boy to talk for many paragraphs without taking a breath. The can put a question in at least every other sentence and about the only thing you can do is respond to the last question. Sometime you can’t answer it so you lie. As one guy said , ” I finally figured out my dad was full of bull shit but when I thought about it, it was a good time. He cared enough to lie to me.”
At first, I thought your correction referred to the He int he last sentence, which made me very confused as to how you would know what gender Toadold’s dad is. Then I realized you meant the first sentence.
May I redirect your attention to the comment section here:
There’s a spectrum? Mind explaining? Is it like, if a person has both naughty bits of both genders they are half way up the scale?
Gender and Sex are to different things, at least according to this picture;
And hermaphrodites (I know it is somewhat of an archaic term and considered somewhat offensive but it is the only one I know) can range anywhere from being born with a condition that gives them deformed genitals to having XY and XX DNA depending where the DNA was taken to having both sets of reproductive organs in various stages of development.
The more modern term is intersex, which can be used to describe any condition relating to chromosomes or genitals (internal and external) which does not conform to binary notions of gender.
To better understand your link for those too lazy to read, here is a list of genders- according to Tumblr (and thus those that hate them enjoying taking a shot at them.)
The list: [Coela edit: Cutting out this url because it’s comment section policy to delete things that contain volatile ethnic slurs. For future reference]
That edit though.
The binary is more of a generalization focused on differences real, perceived, and external, than a fact.
Humanity is a big bowl of weirdness.
Well, generalizations aren’t intrinsically bad. They are often pretty useful, actually. “The sky is blue” is certainly not always true, but it’s still considered an accurate and reasonably useful statement.
The problem is when a generalization becomes irrelevant. In the past, human society had more practical (if arguably unfair and misguided) uses for the construct of gender and assigning behavior based on physical sex. That’s really no longer the case today, however.
In the end, gender has become a needless artificial construct that does far more harm than good. Meanwhile, sex itself has become largely irrelevant to anything other than medical concerns. They’re both just bad ways of dividing up the world (assuming you even want to divide people to begin with).
Just treat people like people, however they look or behave, and whatever they have or don’t have in their pants or elsewhere.
In what way is ‘the sky is blue’ a useful statement?
I guess it gives the people who aren’t standing next to windows an idea of what the weather is looking like outside, at least.
A lot more useful than “the sky is bronze” (the Ancient Greeks had no word for blue and referred to the sky as bronze).
That’s bullshit, by the way. Ancient Greeks totally had a word for blue. Two, maybe three. They just referred more to lightness/darkness of blue, violet, green and so on than to hue. Of course, we don’t differentiate between a bunch of colors either, we just call them all blue, green or yellow.
‘Ancient Greece’ covers around 1500 years, dude. There are a lot of words a Greek under Roman rule had that Homer didn’t. Blue is quite possibly one of them since Homer never describes anything as blue, and there isn’t really any other works to look to to get a more full sense of the language during that period. It’s not even that crazy an idea since blue is consistently one of the later additions to the color spectrum in many languages.
I believe I read somewhere a while back that there isn’t/ wasn’t a word for green in the Japanese language, so stop lights to them were red/ yellow/ blue. Could be all BS, though.
Partially correct on the Japan thing; it’s not BS. Basically, while Japan NOW has a separate word for green, it USED to have a single word that referred to the entire blue/green spectrum, and that’s the word they use for green traffic lights and blue skies: “Ao”. However, now that they have a word specifically for green (“Midori”), in general speech “Ao” has been reduced to referring to blue rather than blue/green.
Didn’t coela mention something like that earlier with Jared and Poison?
here’s a helpful resource!
stuff’s complicated, but all you really need to know in practice is that if someone tells you who they are and what to call them by, respect that.
Okay, what will be this week’s debate about? I propose euthanasia, immigration and the less mainstream dictator from Mexico, Mr. Porfirio Díaz
I propose we immigrate the euthanasia so Porfirio Díaz can’t dictate it.
I propose we build a yuge, yuge wall to keep Trump from crashing the Fiesta, then Hillary Clinton can pay for it, ‘cuz…’cuz of indeterminate reasons.
I second the motion if there is a Trump face piñata in it.
I got my 15 year old a Donald Trump pinata for her birthday this year. It’s terrifying, and she won’t actually break it, so it sits in my bedroom and stares at me with dead, papery eyes.
Burn it!
So, just like the actual Trump
Not as loud.
Wait, are we taking this seriously? Because what are we going to do with the Zika Virus babies?
Puppies or Kittens? And proposing an abomination of science combining both isn’t an option.
WHY!? Why is that not an option! You anti-science fiends always keeping a good Doat down!
They were outlawed at the last Evil and Mad scientist convention…the results of splicing the kittens and puppies together ranged wildly from hideously adorable to satisfyingly cute and caused both great loss of sanity and sense of enlightenment. I hear the occult sections have begun research to see if said abominations can be harnessed as an acceptable synthetic alternative for the eldritch.
Because Catdog was a terrible show.
How about a basket full of both taking a big, communal nap?
I did not see that coming! Defeat conceded.
baby hyenas: it’s the only way
Oh right, the comic. Lovely as always Coelasquid
What’s a comic? Also, stop hitting on Coela! (rabble rabble, shaking of fist, White Knighting, etc)
Jealous I’m not hitting on you mate?
You know what I find funniest of all? A distracted parent idly promising a kid a pet stegosaurus is obviously giving them a false promise. But the Commander? He’s got time travel. If Junebug wants a stegosaurus and she can care for it properly, then he can actually get her that stegosaurus!
I was thinking the same thing XD And then Junebug can order more dinosaurs and set up a Jurrasic Park which Won’t Be a catastrophic failure because her Dad taught her how to be responsible with your pets. And if worse comes to worst she can always call on Uncle Jared to hyperbeam any unruly dinosaurs.
More likely Jared would somehow wind up giving the dinosaurs bellyrubs. We will never get to see how that came about.
Now I’m just thinking of Jared giving bellyrubs to wild Tyrantrum that hitch a ride…
Plus, she said ‘when she grows up’ which would mean it’s her responsibility at that point.
She’ll ALWAYS be his little girl. I’m sure he’d be happy to set aside some time for Stegosaurus acquisition.
If her bug dies, could he just go back in time, grab it from when it was a few years healthier, and take it forward? And just keep piggybacking it forward whenever it got old? Or is that thinking about time travel too much?
Nah, should be fine as long as you don’t think about if she would miss it in the past… *Gets eaten by Junes Giant centipede* Dang it!
It’s not a centipede. It’s a millipede. THEY’RE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SPECIES AND MILLIPEDES ARE DETRITUS FEEDERS! *Giant space millipede from the Millipede planet promptly pukes its young all over me* Nooooo! Not my decaying plant matter bits!
Gannondorf is clearly covering up for the Dark Wizard Gorlock.
Good to see I am not the only one who remembers Press Star. I have watched all the episode and own both movies. Maybe I should watch them again.
That is one of the cutest things I’ve ever read :) I hope I can be half the dad he is some day.
I understand your sentiment Commander but you Might want to go and take a look or the Macho guys will start kicking and headbutting the photocopier to make it work properly…
Guile being a stickler about printer toner is probably the safest possible fire to leave unattended.
Yeah, he’ll just blast his theme music all over the building looking for someone to fix it.
Yeah and then he finds some mad scientist who will turn their photocopier into a Robot Of Mass Destruction….
“Well, don’t know why he… Oh. That’s clever. Well done, sir or madame.”
Oh, that’s Guile? Wasn’t too sure. His hair is lacking the gravity-defying-ness that make Guile… well, Guile.
You might have missed his theme suddenly playing.
Don’t worry; it happened to me, too. I’m not good at reading the music cues, either.
I sat here thinking for a little about how it could go wrong but even for your world I couldn’t come up with one that really made sense. One that would actually be plausible without stretching things and it just didn’t work out.
I guess considering who he was debating with they’d probably just end up doing nothing or changing the toner with Guile’s theme playing. A civil manly ending.
Well, as long as Kratos doesn’t get involved. No one wants a repeat of the Bubble Tea incident.
I know it’s perhaps a lot of extra work, but would it be possible to have a list of character tags, maybe, that link to all the appearances for that character? Sometimes I don’t know a character, so being able to see their name at the bottom would at least let me look them up…
There almost always are already, I just forgot when I posted this because I had one minute to spare.
Its funny because its guile and commander IS a family man!
Yeah, but Guile would greatly prefer it if Commander would go be a family man at HOME and not at work.
Typical of every father I’ve ever seen the commander spoils his daughter. Then again he is very right about manners regardless.
I dunno if “telling her it’s rude for people to interrupt her” is really “spoiling”.
Or, paying attention to her
Yes, what is possibly better than teach them that their desires and whims are more important than the actual work their parent is doing at their workplace during work hours.
Go figure. Sometimes being on the side of your child is not the correct side to be on.
Still I like the comic.
Again, as I have already said to another person raising the same issue, Guile is interrupting him with an asinine task that will take time away from the actual productive work he’s in the process of doing. There are two things going on in this comic and the people getting salty about it only seem to be catching onto one. The other half of the joke is that the other adult in the situation is bothering him with something so pointless and derailing it’s more productive to listen to a five year old’s babbling than acknowledge it.
Someone is distracting from the actual work he’s doing during workplace hours and it isn’t her.
Yeah, if you have to discuss how faded a document is before switching to a new toner, that means it’s still legible or there wouldn’t be much of a debate. It would be a different story if the ink was all gone and Guile couldn’t find the replacement for it, so he thinks they need to order more, but Guile just wants someone to prove he’s right. Anybody could do that, whether they work there or not, and Jared would probably be happy to help. Hell, Jared could probably order more toner, if that had been the problem. I doubt it’s hard; it simply requires access. Besides,
Commander is my favorite father, considering his insistence on manners and how he’s actually paying attention while he’s working on the computer. Of course I suspect he’s only half-listening, but that’s understandable since he’s really focused on the task at hand. But he stood up for his little girl (while excusing himself from some random argument), and that’s what really matters. XD
I don’t mean to pry, Coelasquid but I get the feeling here you feel under appreciated. Don’t worry, while I personally did not immediately recognize the second joke, I and many of your readers understood that the Commander was in no way teaching a lesson of bad merit and …… damn I sound pretentious. Sorry, it was a really good comic. Keep up the good work!
My initial interpretation of this comic was that the Commander is actually using her as a defense mechanism (in the best possible way) so that he can get productive work done.
But I am probably projecting my frustration with working in an open office full of loud people onto the Commander, who is both more direct and more in charge than I.
I accept what you’re saying; that seems fair enough. However, it didn’t come across to me. We have no context for how asinine the task was or wasn’t. :P
I feel like this would work better animated or something, where we could hear just how abrupt and obnoxious Guile was being.
How is there no context? He flat out says that the toner is fine, they can read the document, but it looks slightly lighter than he wanted it to. That is an inane thing to worry about.
Actually I was thinking about the getting her a stegosaurus. That sounds like the time travelers Equivalent of getting a 10 year old a pony. Then again maybe I’m reading too much into it. I still remember the mammoth he killed and cooked up for Jones.
She says when she grows up she’ll get one, it’s more like a five year old saying when she grows up she’ll get herself a pony.
Okay I think I was reading way to much into it than. Still I guess it is funny that I immediately imagined her getting a newly hatched stegosaurs for a recent upcoming birthday the way another kid might expect to get there first two wheel bike. Sorry if I took it too seriously and thanks for clearing that up.
Jeez I’d kill for a dad like that. What a nice dude, jeez.
#1 dad #1 dad # 1 DAD
I totally thought the joke was going to be that she’d pause and then he’d say something that indicates that he was listening very carefully. Like, it would somehow intertwine every thread.
Commander is the best dad.
With the Battle Royale arc just ending, I forgot this comic had video game characters. I was genuinely confused for a bit.
Meanwhile the Commander’s son is sitting quietly reading on his own initiative, and he’s all of, what, 4? As a librarian this pleases me to no end. That boy is going places!
Someone told him about the shark that ate another shark last week. When he heard he had the emotional conundrum of “sharks eating stuff! cool!” and “a shark died and that’s sad”. He has since engaged himself in studying shark behavior including that book to form a better understanding and opinion on that event.
This pretty much aptly describes most 4-6 year olds’ commencement into becoming strong readers, actually.
Seriously, the Commander is hands-down, without-doubt, the best dad EVER!
Guile understands completely.
Oddly enough, Kratos probably could replace Guile in this comic without any danger of freakout.
From what we’ve seen of Kratos interacting with the Commander’s kids before, I think he wouldn’t have even thought to interrupt in the first place.
Great way to help build his daughter’s confidence.
Aw, Commander is the best daddy in the world!!
…wait, how was he supposed to hear her talking from outside the room?
Or did he only start talking a few seconds after he opened the door?
Most people who care to will notice they’re talking over someone else earlier than three sentences into a conversation.
I mean, you gotta give the guy a little slack. It’s probably a little hard to head when he’s been snapping off sonic booms from his hands for years, not to mention the music that must drown people out. Hearing loss is a serious issue! lol
That’s a good question; how loud is Guile’s theme playing at? Also does the volume changes with his emotions? Does it quiet down enough for him to sleep?
And you wondered if he was really listening.
Awww, he’s such a good dad.
Commander’s job is to rehabilitate these oaf’s for civilian life. Part of that is respecting other people enough to not interrupt. It’s also good parenting to teach someone they deserve respect.
What I’m saying is, Commander can multitask like nobody’s business.
He really is the best kind of dad.
I know he’s probably just using it as a generic respectful term, but his use of ‘lady’ kinda makes me wonder if the kids actually have legitimate noble titles.
That’s SIR Commander Badass to you.
I really wish that I saw (or heard?) this kind of thing that The Commander does happen more often in life. I’m told that I don’t talk very much, mainly in part because when I am talking, the person that asked me the question starts up another conversation with someone else in the middle of my answer. So I shut up. Then I get asked why I don’t talk very much. Junebug’s got a good thing going.
Good lord, I’m not the only one it happens to? Thank goodness!
This is just too adorable. Good fathering like that give my heart a good feeling inside. :3
Damn Commander, you’re turning into some beta SJW cuck. Work takes priority over some kid’s brabling, furthermore, what’s this “make her feel like her opinions arent worth listening to”. She’s talking about fucking bugs and cats! How are these even opinions!?
The thing is that he’s coming in with what is not only an equally asinine topic, his requires Commander to drop what he’s doing to mediate a complete non-issue. Her stream-of-conscious babbling is letting him work without breaking his concentration to join a pointless debate about the saturation of photocopy toner. Only one of these conversations is resulting in work actually getting done.
As for “important opinions” dude, it’s was a joke. I figured it was pointedly obvious that they weren’t opinions or important. Exaggeration for comedic effect. Settle down.
I’m impressed by your civility here. Few would even give the time of day to someone that uses the phrase “beta SJW cuck” unironically.
And on a side note, its not “some kid’s babling” ..its his daughter talking to him..who,if ya recall from past comic pages, he doesnt see his kids that often..thus, his kids, and their opinions and “when im older dreams” , are highly important and as a doting father he has been shown to be will always be more important than work.. and she likes cats and bugs thus they are opinions, her opinions.. and a kid’s opinions and dreams are always important and do matter..anyone who says otherwise, and thus that kids should be ignored for tyeir “babbling ” are an ass..
And im being civil here and pointing that out before someone makes a rude rant bout it like i know is bound to happen.
Just as an aside because it’s never been explicitly laid out, he has the kids as much as his ex does, they trade off weekly. Granted, after running around in a spacefuture survival dome for an undisclosed amount of time it would feel like longer for him.
Thank you for clarifying that since it hadn’t seemed clear between all the adventures they get involved in.
Not sure if troll or just plain mean. If you don’t like it, don’t bother joining the conversation; if you’re sarcastic, give us an /s.
You would really prioritize some incredibly mindless non-issue debate over what amounts to nothing over your own child?
Your child is worth less than nothing to you?
Easy now, let’s avoid getting personal here.
If you’ve ever been a child you have probably been frustrated when people treat you like you don’t matter, like the things you care about don’t matter, like what you have to say is less important than everyone else’s jibber. Try to remember, and realize if you don’t want people to do it to you, other people probably don’t want you to do it to them.
Rock is treating his children like real people, nothing more. Everyone should be lucky enough to have at least one adult in their life like that.
I do remember that, and looking back I’m frankly baffled people put up with my inane bullshit and egoism as a child.
I think its probably healthier for kids to not be constantly indulged. I for one had to spend a lot of time learning to dial down my egoism and sense of self importance that I learned by being always indulged as a child.
I see this in other kids too -I work with kids-. The more they are indulged, the more selfish and entitled they become. The most ill behaved kids always have spineless parents who never say no.
Instilling your kid with a sense that it’s rude for people to talk over each other isn’t really the same as “constantly indulging” or “never saying no” to them. You can bet if she was the one talking over someone else he’d be telling her she was behaving rudely as well.
I think Boris here just wants attention. Don’t worry so much about him. Besides, speaking as someone whose dad actually did think of me as less than nothing and made sure I knew it, the Commander here’s style could only make the world a better place with the letting her know her opinion is important but making her work for what she wants
Dude, i’m no fan of SJW’s, but how does listening to you child and humoring her equal being a cuck? I don’t see your train of thought.
I swear, the only people who are worse PC police than “SJWs” are the people who complain about SJWs. Only difference is what they consider to be politically correct, both want to force their views on others and talk loudly about it even when it doesn’t actually fit the current situation.
I think the kind of people who say that someone has to be some sort of SJW just for pointing out that someone is rude means that they not only don’t care about political correctness, they think that ANY attempt at not being a self-centered “alpha” d-bag means you’re an easily manipulated pansy. There’s a big difference between being polite and ranting about how gluten isn’t gender-neutral enough.
Golly, Commander sure as hell wouldn’t want to be a BETA. I guess he ought to put the priorities of a random guy who just walked into his office above those of his child so as to show his dominance. Otherwise he might get downgraded to a Gamma or however that ranking system works.
Frankly, it seems to me that the kind of people who have to prove their “alpha” status are insecure and aren’t as strong as they want to believe. It also seems to me that they know it, and that’s why they feel like they have to prove it – so everyone, including themselves, knows.
so……. this?
Kelly, thank you so much, this made me smile on a Monday morning when I’m dreading the beginning of the week. My day was just made a little bit better because of this comic. Thank you.
The penultimate panel is, without doubt, one of the manliest things I have ever seen. I believe it really captures the essence of what manliness truly is.
Tone it down a notch xD
I don’t like your tone.
All work and no toner makes jack a dull copy. All work and no toner makes jack a dull copy.
Adam has not authorized the use of toner, yet.
I just realised commanders kids are basically growing up in the past.
Maybe we’re having a population explosion because nondescript spacefuture soldiers are all coming back and having Past Babies.
Aww, I love Commander as a dad. He’s the best.
By the way, is June saying “longn” in the second panel supposed to be a childish misspelling, or is that a typo?
Honestly there’s a bunch of typos because I had about seven minutes to do all the dialogue and got this posted with about a minute to spare, I figured I’d just fix it in the colour version.
No to fix, in my opinion. To me, the typos have been heard June talking so fast that her words blur, as small children often do xD
No need* Words are hard…
Yeah, precisely.
I’m with him on this one.
This is exactly what I thought. ‘typo… Or clever dialogue cue?’ the latter makes it better so the latter it will be!
I know this is stupid and mundane, but I still feel rather proud of the fact that I read all of the dialogue.
Commander’s relationship with his kids is my favorite part of this comic.
The strips with the Commander’s kids never fail to amuse and inspire. Also, for some reason I imagined Guile’s theme abruptly ending along with his rant soon as the Commander told him not to interrupt.
Complete with a hilarious record scratch right as it was about to hit a powerful note. This is now canon.
Adorable. Reminds me of this family that lives in the building where I work. Sometimes the nanny will come down to hang out in the lobby and chat for awhile, and the older kid will chatter on to whoever will listen while the younger kid just repeats words she hears.
I think it’s funnier to leave the typos in, for all my opinion’s worth.
She COULD be the best bug doctor in the world. There’s a lot of money in bugs, specially golden ones. And they really can be the cutest little things, specially moths!
That’s a good lesson for every parent who’s reading here:
No matter how foolish and insignificant a child’s speech can be, it MUST be always a priority before everything!
Priority over an unnecessary fight about a pointless derailment from actual work being done, at least.
I like that line of thought, since I can see it being open to the possibility that if there was an actual emergency that needed him right away it might excuse him cutting in.
As it stands, it’s quite funny and I love it.
Commander is really cool about things like this. Not perfect (right? Future supersoldiers have flaws, right?) but he’s got some nice priorities.
I think it’s more that Guile just walked in and started talking without 1) checking to see if there was someone else talking and 2) checking to see that the Commander had to to discuss it. Toner isn’t something you go to a manager about. You put in a ticket with the help desk or something.
Oh, and he didn’t even say “excuse me” or knock, he just opened the door and walked in. That would be a write-up in most office environments.
I’m sure Guile will understand, he has a daughter himself.
Honestly, I just think the Commander’s interactions with his kids are adorable. I hope I can be as manly and fatherly to my daughter as he is to his kids. *brofist*
Just remember his example. What Would Rock Lobster Do (For His Kids)?
Much respect for the Commander.
Personally, I would have been sprinting for the copier. Yay autism…
I would be demanding copies to examine. If you are going to interrupt my work at least don’t expect me to move.
Ok that was fucking adorable.
What’s the girl’s name? I would guess that it isn’t actually Junebug.
I know some people on here are complaining about Commander making June-bugs rambling a priority over work (and I have also read Coelasquid’s explanations of the joke) but it is also important for people to remember that if a child were to come up to an adult having a pointless conversation with another adult, they’re normally made to be quiet and wait until they’re given the adult’s attention, even if they have something important to say.
I work in a skating store where I have lots of kids coming in all the time to look at things and ask me what they think are serious questions about stuff. When an adult comes in and hears them asking questions, but still talks over them, I answer the kid first. Just because they’re kids doesn’t mean we shouldn’t afford them the same respect that we expect of them.
On top of that, normally, when a kid sees an adult walk in, they finish and wait for the adult to talk. I bet if Guile would have given her the chance she would have let him have his turn.
Because she is an angel <3
Next time I expect he’ll open with “Yo, oh ‘scuse me Junebug, can I talk to your daddy?” and she will give him a smile like in panel 5 and everyone will be happier.
Commander is an awesome dad!
Can the Commander be a better father?
Yes. Yes, he can.
This is why I love Rock. With that one sentence, he’s shown his daughter that her opinion matters, and I think that’s a lesson more parents need to teach their little girls. Also, I have to ask if Rock told his little guy that he got to hang out with a giant shark while he was out of town for a couple days? I think Sammy would love to hear about how Rock knitted a cap and a sweater for a giant shark. I mean, what’s cooler than a shark? A shark with clothes, obviously!
Not only that, there is no way Rock wouldn’t have had a photo taken with the Megalodon
oh no…its too cute…im going to cry..
I just had a thought. The facility that the Commander works for is a place where overly violent or in some cases just plain mentally disturbed men are gathered and ‘trained’ for lack of a better work to control their impulses and re-integrate them into society. But what about women? There’s been a few cameos, such as when the Commander was carpooling with Poison, but what happens to the overly violent or just plain disturbed women in this universe? Is there a separate facility for them or something?
There probably is, and most of them are still working on putting on pants. *Ducks all the flung garbage.* Oh come on! You’ve seen how most video game women dress, skin cancer in about a week! I’m all for women’s rights to do with what they want with their bodies, but sadly the video game women are pretty much all stereotypical sexpots, and in the interest of fairness, if men in games are usually measured in aggression and batshit insane violence, then the women in the same boat are probably dressed in nearly nothing. Until storytelling evolves properly anyway.
To be fair, there ARE outliers. Samus from Metroid, for example. Playing the original game for the first time, NO ONE knew that there was a woman underneath that suit.
Yeah, ya moron, let the ADD kid talk.
I was once a little girl and have two teenage daughters. No ADD was required in the making of this strip. You also don’t have to pay full attention to little girl during stream of consciousness talking and can still get plenty done. Being asked to judge a toner contest, on the other hand, is a massive waste of time.
*insert Steve Carell THANK YOU gif*
Working in the printer industry I can tell you people will turn to mass homicide if they think the toner density is even slightly off. The commander is playing with fire here and the blood will be on Juniper’s hands.
That being said his kids are adorable.
Am I the only one hoping that Jared gets them some sort of starter pokemon as part of his job as an official Pokemon Professor? A Caterpie or similar bug pokemon for her, and some sort of fish for him, I think. Maybe he can get an egg from leaving Mr. Fish at the daycare?
Fanart of this pls.
If I could draw, it would already be done.
Junebug obviously gets a Venipede. Sammy… c’mon, it’s obvious, Carvanha.
That’s the one. Evolves into sharpedo, right? I just couldn’t remember the name.
Yeah, sure. It’s cute as a concept in a comic format. “Men interrupting ladies, rude, rude…”
But if we want to bring a reality twist in to this… Good lord it’s exactly the opposite especially when it comes to feminism. I mean seriously… Ever seen a feminist argument? It’s literally like “LALALALALALA I WON’T LISTEN TO YOU BUT YOU ARE SEXIST AND WOMAN HATER! Now as I as saying about the patriarchy!” and there’s whole crowd shutting the guy up when he’s about to debunk what ever insanity she’s been saying at thus far.
That is not feminism you are speaking of.
That’s the loud obnoxious minority that mars the general perception of what feminism is. It’s strength of character and being treated no different for being female.
I mean, if he’s saying this comic is supposed to be parallel to that kind of situation then the “man with facts” he’s referring to is someone barging into a conversation other people are having and talking over them out of turn with an unrelated derailment so uh… yeah…
So – how’s reddit for you guys these days? Feminism? Seriously?
I work in an office for a Fortune 100 company, and what Guile is doing in this strip is the least valuable activity anyone can perform; work avoidance that draws other people into non-productivity.
Guile exists in “reality;” he’s obnoxious, focused on everything but the big picture of what we’re trying to accomplish while managing to be delayed by truly unimportant details such as the black saturation levels in photocopied/printed documents (despite ours being a “paperless” office.)
If Commander were sitting there eating a sandwich and watching TV, Guile’s barging in with such a piddling concern should be ignored – only by ignoring distractions like this can they be eliminated.
Hey, quick thought experiment for you: take gender out of that situation, and see if you still feel the same way about it.
Two people are having a conversation. One of them may be doing most of the talking, but the other one is making occasional, appropriate responses. A third person walks into the conversation and starts talking over the original speaker. Is that third person rude?
For the record, I’m a man, and a feminist, and I’ve never seen the arguments you describe outside of the straw-feminist caricatures on sitcoms from the eighties. If a large group of people is shutting your arguments down, maybe it’s because those arguments lack merit.
Truly you are an oppressed soul. No one should ever have to accept that women have opinions. This was a valid and relevant comment to make on this comic and we all thank you for doing so.
I have 5 little sisters and that gave me nightmarish flashbacks of them all trying to have their rambling stories heard at the same time.
I think what makes the Commander’s interactions with his kids so fun to watch is how it contrasts with all the absurdity that he usually deals with.
I don’t know why, but the way the daughters face is shaped in the first panel looks kinda weird to me. Like the lower half of her face is sticking out a whole lot farther than the rest.
Can see what you are talking about, but believe it is just the fact she has her mouth open while talking and she has a big gap in her teeth
Also I wrote and drew this whole thing in about an hour and a half.
Coeal=true skill
I just wanna say, sharks are the best cuddle buddies.
He should have told Guile to take a break.
“Guile. Go home and be a family man.”
Why does this man not have a “#1 Dad” coffee mug yet?
Really Guile? Isn’t that what you guys have Jared the Intern for?
My God, I love the Commander more and more. If, in some bizarre unlikely turn of events, I wind up with children, I will follow his lead. <3 <3 <3
THAT’S what was throwing me off. His scruff is just shading so in black and white the Commander looks clean shaven. Sounds almost blasphemous. So glad it’s in color now.
you stun me Sir, A comedy/adventure with a man that is not only a manly man but also a Dammed decent human being. It’s very entertaining and a lesson as well. We should all look to his example.
Y’know, I always love reading through the comments on this comic, especially since they seem to represent the comic so faithfully. Sure they can be a bit hot headed at times, but the people tend to calm down, listen to reason, and engage in rational and intelligent conversations, which is exactly what this agency is all about. Taking overly manly men, and making them functional members of society. Truly, one of the things that make this such a wonder to read.
Commander’s my hero.
Guile is a father so he understands you never want your little boy or girl feel like they are being ignored or not important. Especially considering children will start to act up to get attention when they feel neglected. Added bonus that it was a easy example of manners for the kinds.
As for toner: I work at a print shop, bad toner will ruin your day if your customer is particularly picky (we actually ended up buying three new printers because of this)
Oh, probably not in good form to comment when I’m going through this from the archives from start to finish. But, this comic brings slight tears to my eyes and makes me smile; Suffice to say personal experience made me think this was going to go completely differently, aka opposite, than the actual ending. So, umm, a big thanks for the great modeling of healthy behavior that all your comics are.
Okay, so, this isprobably my favorite page in this comic. I am an only child and my dad’s little girl. We used to go camping all the time when I was younger. I really listened to the D.A.R.E people when they came by, and it upset me to see my dad smoking.
Anyway, so we used to have this trailer we’d go camping in, and he told me that it was my trailer, so I could set the rules. My first and only rule was no smoking in the trailer because the smell of smoke really made me sick. So one day, one of dad’s friends came by, and he started smoking in the trailer. I told him he couldn’t smoke in here. He said something like; excuse you, you don’t make the rules here aka I don’t have to listen to you, little six year old female. And I said, yes you do, because that’s my rule and daddy said I can make the rules. And he looked at my dad incredulously, and he smiled and said; she’s right, you’re gonna smoke, you gotta do it outside. The guy got all mad and left, but my daddy was proud of me for sticking up for myself.
The best part is that Commander is a time traveler, so he could totally get his Junebug a stegosaurus.