Pretty sure this used to be my dad’s summer job
June 20, 2011
12:00 am
I was gonna do a comic about Commander and his kids for father’s day, but y’know what, I decided to do a Canadian guy comic instead.
Happy father’s day!
I was gonna do a comic about Commander and his kids for father’s day, but y’know what, I decided to do a Canadian guy comic instead.
Happy father’s day!
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“This was taken just after our first father-daughter bear fight, apparently beards make excellent weapons.”
I’m sorry, but simply the fact that your initials are CJ has me thinking of a girl I know who prolly would post that if she knew about the comic, aha
Maybe this CJ and that CJ are in fact the same CJ.
Scary, I know of a female CJ with a similar personality
Maybe all CJs are, in fact, the same person?
I dispute that. Or do I?
My initials are CJ. Yes, we are all like that.
Wait… My initials are JC. Does that mean that I have the opposite personality? Or would I use my mustache instead?
The CJ Hive mind knows all, sees all, is all. OBEY. OBEY.
In other news, I know someone named Cynthia Jacques who would probablly post something simi-
Oh no.
Crap, they’ve got us outnumbered. Be sure to give your kids names that start with a J!
No it means you are the messiah reborn
omg i appreciate that. so many lols.
Oh hey, I’m a CJ also. CJs unite!!
all your base are belong to us
You have no chance to survive. Make your time.
CJ! All you had to do was follow the damn train!
Canadian guy looks fuckin’ intense there, man. I guess sleep deprivation’ll do that to you.
Or does he sleep with his eyes open…and HUNT in his sleep?
I can’t see why not, i once fell asleep during an roleplaying session with my eyes open. My friends thought i was awake since i still responded to what they said (even thought it was apparently very, very random*) right up until it was time for me to roll my dies and i didn’t do it even though they told me three times. Yeah we kind of decided to make our sessions shorter after that one! :D
*Example of the things i said: “Hey Fred, you okay?” “Slit throats and gurgle….” “Ooookay…” Yeah my subconsciousness must be an terrifying place! xD
Hey, great comic. Glad to know there are still girls that don’t go for hipsters.
Reason I’m commenting, I would love to hear what Canadian Guy was doing during the Vancover riots!! Was he flipping trucks? Or defending innocent people’s property from the douche brigade?
“Glad to know there are still girls that don’t go for hipsters.”
Hooo boy.
“But when everyone is hipster, no-one will be.”
If you heard any of the follow-up, about 17,000 people went into the riot areas the next day to help clean up. I have faith he was there flipping cars back to upright.
“Glad to know there are still girls that don’t go for hipsters.”
fyi the girl in the comic is fictional
If, however, you include fictional girls, then the world is your buffet of womanliness!
Or Xander could have been referring to Coelasquid.
In fact i’m pretty much positive Xander was.
Oh thank goodness. Anything otherwise might have required psychiatric help.
But getting psychiatric help is a gas gas gas!
Canadian guy is REAL, and now he’s collecting CHILDREN! SOMEONE STOP HIM!
He not be collectin’ children, he be DRIVEN by children, a great Canadian mecha of a man!
Like Master Blaster, but Canadian.
We shall call him Gundam (Maple)Wing.
No. He’s the Neo Canada Gundam. Go watch G Fighter!
Pffchchchchpfpchh that can’t actually exis–HOLY SHEETS TO THE WIND, YOUTUBE. I stand corrected. :D
Oh, it gets better. Two words. Tequila. Gundam.
That is an AWESOME picture. I have to resist the urge to sing “Y-VON! OF THE YUKON” while looking at it. I hope your Father’s Day went well, and I love the comic, especially the way you made Canadian Guy’s eyes stand out so… uniquely in the third panel.
Keep up the great work :)
Sweet Jeebus! I haven’t seen that cartoon in forever! So many memories…
I just nostalgia’d all over my keyboard, goddammit.
That’s one of those cartoons I watched whenever my brother’s travel hockey team was in Canada. Right up there with Rocket Robin Hood, Undergrads, and Cyber Six.
Actually, Cyber Six was something that was in America too, for a time, so mostly it was just more of it.
Woah. Your dad looks like a mountain of a man.
Is that your Dad on the picture? If so, then he AWESOME!! And Manly! And he carrying you on his back!! * 0 * *wants to have a dad like that*
Reminds me of that one kids in the hall bit with the suit trappers. Also, awesome comic, as usual
WOW. No wonder this comic exists.
There is a lot of awesome in that photo. :)
Also, *insert beaver joke here*
I was married to a Canadian girl (Vancouver, in this case), who used to get all riled up when I would hint at beaver jokes. She used to tell me that it was a stupid stereotype of us Americans, that and they all lived in igloos.
We moved to BC so she could finish her degree, and, being married to the lass and all, I tagged along.
There are tourist traps all over Vancouver, selling t-shirts and the like, and I designed one up myself and convinced the vendor nearest our flat to stock them. It was only a couple of days later that we were seeing tank tops and t-shirts sporting:
“Canadian Girls Eat Beaver”
all over the place. Good times. Though, in retrospect, she IS my ex-wife now…
You don’t need a Canadian wife with a college degree.
Because you won. And that’s all that’s important.
…At least until next week’s comic is posted and these comments are all forgotten.
Oh wowwee, I didn’t know ponies read comics!
Jo, is that you :V
You sir (possibly madam) have just made my day. Ex wife or not, that is amazing, and I demand you do it again if time travel becomes possible.
That is a story I am going to remember.
I am dedicating a shrine to you, whoever you are.
All together now!
I’m a LUMBERJACK and I’m O.K. I sleep* all night and I work all day!
*Sleep is a derivative of LanternBoats Inc.
“all night”, less 12% GST.
I cut down trees, eat my lunch and use the lavatory!
on Wednesdays I go shopping and I’ve butterscotch for tea!
Canadian Guy’s face in that third panel made me laugh to an unreasonable degree.
I know right? The Beaver Whisperer is at it again
wat is this i dont even
I feel like he’s just sitting other there squeezing arhythmically, not actually playing anything like, “hwwaarnnkk HWARNK hwaaarrnnkk HWARNK”.
Congratulations, You made me laugh harder than the comic did when I made that sound effect in my head.
I… I’m sorry. I saw that sound effect and the first thing I thought was the parents in ‘Peanuts’. I’m so sorry, but… XD
But that was done with a muted trombone! … I’m a bit obsessive, aren’t I.
CB must feel like Sam the Eagle sometimes. “You’re all WEIRDOS!”
Also that’s a manly father you have.
pretty sure I’ve got pictures of my dad and I in the same pose. flannel beard and all. Great photo captain!
Your dad has a flannel beard? Does he style it or just use a lint brush?
Christ, that made me laugh so hard… *wipes away a tear*
I’m pretty sure I have(or had) a picture of my nan and I in that same pose…
She may or may not have been wearing a checkered shirt… :/
I love Canadian Guy, and I love the stereotype that we’re all bear-wrestling supermen
Well, you’re all either that, angry Mounties or smelly French-speaking urbanites.
I see those three stereotypes out there more than anything.
Why not all three at once?
Mail me three of those. Nao, plz.
You also want the lumberjack package? Comes with maple syrup.
I’m not sure it’s what you were aiming for, but I found this page incredibly sweet in its own way. :)
eventually, Canadian man will end up meeting Old Greg
He IS a pretty fuzzy man-peach.
His facial hair is far out of the league of “peach fuzz” though.
I can tell where the comparison between Canada Guy and your dad comes from.
The look of steely, insane determination on Canadian Guy is amazing.
Also, while it may be composed from scribbles and gradients, the atmosphere on the landscape is beautiful. Very keenly made.
The Determination in those eyes….
-T, {The calm before the storm…}
When time travel’s involved every day is Father’s Day… simultaneously though it is never Father’s Day…
My head hurts from the awesomeness that your comic mentally challenges me with every week so I hope your happy.
First time I’ve replied, so first off
I don’t know what else to say at this time, I’m too busy looking at Canadian man and imagining him saying “I want to sleep so bad, but it just won’t come. Why won’t it come?” in a thick accent. He’s haunted. Or looks it.
The fact he’s out there with a Concertina. And a lantern.
Winning. LOL
Funniest thing I have seen in awile here.
Not a knock on it, I just really liked this one!
That picture of your dad and the baby on his back (whether it’s you or your brother) is absolutely adorable. Just thought I should say it.
And, as stated before, Canadian Guy’s eyes in the third panel are the best part of the comic today. It’s hilarious,
Aww, it’s like when a cat brings you dead birds! <3
that’s exactly what I was thinking! Except mice. Not birds. and with “To show its love and awesomeness” tagged on at the end there.
Epic beard is epic
*holds out jar half-filled with dollar bills*
Don’t be sorry. Just don’t do it again.
No, no, I think the Squid herself would agree that her father’s beard is a place where the word “Epic” most definitely applies.
–adjective Also, ep·i·cal.
noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style: Homer’s Iliad is an epic poem.
resembling or suggesting such poetry: an epic novel on the founding of the country.
heroic; majestic; impressively great: the epic events of the war.
heroic; majestic; impressively great.
That definitely fits that bead O.O
Way back when, you said that Canadian Guy was a dead ringer for your dad. I assumed you were exaggerating for comedic effect.
It turns out you weren’t?
Dear God, your father really IS Canada Guy!
So do Canada Guy drink syrup for power?
He’s the Mounty.
He has the power of a billion Maples.
Holy shit I think I just grew a full beard and chest hair from looking at that picture!
I figured that the muffin comic could suffice as a early Fathers’-day comic.
*surreptitiously leaves several stacks of rolled loonies on a table as thanks*
So it’s confirmed: Canadian Guy doesn’t sleep. He just holds back.
Manliest stare ever. Love Canada guy.
I’m Canadian and I don’t sleep. Wow, spot on. I love how I can just relate and play along with all of our awesome stereotypes. This one time, I was playing Lost Planet 2 with this guy online and he saw that my flag was Canadian so he says:
“Oh! You live in Canada?”
Me: “Yup!”
Him: “I heard it’s pretty warm over there right now.”
Me: “Yup.”
Him: “Has your igloo melted?”
Me: “Hahaha! No. We use unmeltable snow from the around Santa’s workshop. Because you know, he lives here. Not the north pole.”
IS it just me or does canadianguy and the commander look like they could be twins if the commander dyed his hair or canada guy dyed his hair >.>
Read the description.
I guess then the archenemy of Canadian Guy is a one eyed beaver who is attracted by a concertina.
Gasp! You are the Spawn of Canadian Guy!
hehe nice! i love your comic
Holy crap, you were a cute kid.
I thought Coela made a cute kid FIRST!
I love how the Commander looks contemptuous as he explains being met with beaver skins every morning.
Canadian Guy needs his own spin-off.
*respectfully in awe*°°
The yaoi-girl in me is thinking Canadian Guy and Commander would be complete haters, but still have sweet sex.
This is wrong and I need to get my memories erased.
1: you have put a very disturbing thought in my head.
2: that would be the manliest gay sex ever, and all we’d ever see is manly chest hair.
One could easily spin it that the Commander’s disdain for Canada Guy is repressed lust. And that Canada Guy’s efforts to befriend him are romantic overtures. <3
I am a yaoi fangirl and this thought greatly disturbs me.
Also, I somehow love this comment thread so very much.
Continue your training, young one, and soon nothing will disturb you. The thing that make others wince will be as a gentle breeze to you. *goes back to drawing Regular Show rule 34*
I… W.. What?
My yaoi-goggles tell me you would have a hard time getting either of them to blush like a ‘traditional’ uke.
Their faces might go red with rage.
I just love how happy you look in that picture. It’s wonderful to see a baby with an OMG face strapped to the back of a man-bear. There’s something that’s just right about it.
(And I do so love Canadian Guy.)
AH HAH, props for Dads canoe!
Methinks you need to have a LIKE button for comments cos I get double giggles first from your intensely awesome art and then from reading your amusing fans reactions. :) Pwetty pwease?
cute kid, must take after your mother!
You make me want to go find one of my similar baby pics but sadly my manly father was running around with only a mustache until I was like 4! Oh the agony!
I feel sort of sorry for Canadian Guy. I wonder if he is tormented by the lack of sleep and thus must take out his sleepless rage on beavers since he always acts so jovial during the days!
all i can say is lmao
this is a great comic
I think your dad actually LOOKS a little like Canadian guy…
Your dad is legendary. And I thought mine was badass solving murder mysteries in Toronto with his former ‘stache.
I somehow manage to read that as Canadian Guy Man. Like he’s some sort of superhero…..
Waaaait… That’s *not* what it said? I figured that must just be his full name. ._.
I think this comic wins the “most apostrophes per sentence” award.
i dont think canadian guy is human. i once saw him cut his hand and maple syrup came out.
It’s really difficult for me to not make completely lewd comments when people give me lead-ins like this.
Wait- doesn’t that happen to ALL canadians?
I think I went through initial entry training with Canadian guy. Only he was studying Chinese and making chainmail. Not nearly as cool.
Also, I assume that’s you on good ol’ dad’s back. You look ridiculously thrilled to be there.
ahaha, Actually, my dad makes chainmail. His suits have racked up a number of awards at art shows.
NICE! Artshow quality chainmail would be cool. Random sheets of rings looped together aren’t so much.
Love that the first panel shows the sunrise but the second panel still shows the stars and night sky.
That’s because the sun rises from only one direction :I
It’s an understandable mistake when you’ve never been outside before.
I’m glad you appreciate a sky that doesn’t have the sun rising and setting at the same time.
Fun suggestion: Each update you should showcase the best comment in the previous update that critiques your art for mistakes that aren’t there.
speaking of, I adore the sky. The transition between night and … er… dawn… looks amazing. Although, if I may ask: is that a reflection of the sun I see in panels 1 and 2? if not, what is it a reflection of?
Which is what I was trying to get across, but it seems the comment came out as sarcasm rather than honesty. It is a nice detail to use those two contrasting angles, Coelasquid.
I get that all the time. You make a comment or even a compliment and people think you’re being sarcastic and derogatory.
My sympathies.
As good as this comic is I was kinda looking forward to a fathers day comic with more plush shark and adorable manliness, and I have noticed we havent heard from Mr. Fish in a while maybe that should change too
Jared’s still in the portal maze. I wrote a plush fish father’s day comic, but then I decided I wanted to do something more relevant to my dad.
I have to admit, before I saw my brother playing that game that comic made no sense to me.
Course, now I keep thinking of the computer lady as sounding like a “mean/evil female Stephen Hawking”.
The muffins already proved Commander’s one of the best dads ever.
Me and my friend Becca have our weeks starting on a good note because of your triffic comic. We just wanna say thanks for your great gaming, everyday and life sense of humour.
This pic of you with your dad both melted our hearts,regardless of what naysayers say! Keep up the fantastic work!
Oh good god he plays the concertina! Canadian guy is officially my favorite character, there ought to be more of us concertinists in the world!
I was waiting for someone else who played!
But does Canadian Guy play English or Anglo? It looks too small to be a duet, but that may just be his massive hands… I’m gonna guess anglo by the way the hand strap goes.
I dunno about y’all, but I was seriously distracted by all the apostrophes in that last panel.
Is it bad that my first thought after reading this was, “But – what kind of rifle? Some are really tall,” instead of, “OMG FAMILY PHOTO SO CUTE”?
Though the latter was my second thought.
Back in the early days of Canada beaver pelts were considered currency, and to purchase a gun required a stack of beaver pelts the height of the gun you wanted. It’s kind of a running joke now in the social circles I keep.
Ah, that makes sense. The more you know~
Really? I always thought that, in HBC forts at least, there was a set price for rifles– 12 Made Beavers or some such thing.
If they were all selling one gun I guess it’d be the same size stack, but what I read was “the height of the gun you wanted to buy”. Other things like food, provisions, etc had a set amount, like one beaver skin for a pound of tobacco.
Thanks for the clarification, Coela! I was racking my brain, trying to remember if the “height of a hunting rifle” thing was something I ought to remember.
So then my question is… what is Canadian Guy trying to buy from Commander Badass?
Maybe he’s been “borrowing” his guns.
The image works even better when you factor the Canadian accent:
He’s oot in a boot with a lute (possibly fishing for aboot two troot)
Awww! how nice of you!
Canadian Man is your dad? It must be awesome! n.n
I’m waiting for Wolverine, Sabertooth, Deadpool, Captain Canuck, Guardian and Northstar to turn up and have a “Who is the most Canadian” contest with The Canadian.
I’m sorry, but that contest was already won by Matthew Williams, who is Canada in Hetalia.
You can’t get more Canadian than that.
what is this blond ladyboy hooker thing you just made me google.
Welcome to the world of Hetalia, where countries are small personified moeblobs. Please check your brain on the way out.
In my universe, Hetalia DOES NOT EXISIT. I deny it, much like that abomination, itself denies the Holocaust. Also, in my universe there is also no Twilight. It is a good universe in which everything is manly like this comic. Not the bad universe in which we all really live. Of course David Bowie is allowed in my universe even though he is a little bit effeminate because I just don’t think a world without David Bowie in it is worth the effort, tbh.
Sorry, but Canadian Guy is way more Canadian than Matthew. Matthew is the bisexual anime Japan version of what a Canadian should be. Canadian Guy is the robust, obscenely manly Canadian version of what a Canadian should be. I’d rather have a Canadian that can save me from a herd of rogue moose any day.
Pretty creepy way to never sleeps, I think it would scare the shit out of any vampire.
Except for scandinavian lumberjack-vampires.
its def been to long since we’ve seen canadian guy, so thanks for that!
Honestly, Canadian Guy looks so like a zombie in that panel, i wanted to say “rise my servant and go find me brains.”, oh what it would be like to have your own zombie, i can outfit him with a sword and send him onto battle while he fights off the hoards of non-manly things like my little pony.
What’s wrong with MLP?
Yeah, someone sent that to me on Tumblr a few months back :P
I am Canadian, and I don’t sleep. I don’t have a concertina, but maybe I should invest… either way, I approve this message. :)
Love reading these comics, American friend of mine introduced them to me and wow… I thought the last couple Canadian Guy comics were accurate, now you’ve got me pegged on never sleeping too!
Are you stalking me?? o_O
Gal, your father looks like he directed two of out three good Star Wars movies
Oh lawd, he looks just like your dad. ._.
…Your Mom.
I’m not sure WHY but this comic made me laugh out loud really hard.
Canadian guy’s easily the best character in the comic.
Whether intentional or not I sort of read him as desperately trying to impress the Commander. He fights Moose in front of him (showing off his strength) gives him presents (moose carcasses, and beaver skins) and turns up at the Commanders home the second he calls (to have a death fight) and even mimics his goggles. It’s an unrequited bromance!
That has to be the happiest little girl who ever witnessed her father fight a bear to the death in the ruins of an old trailer in the woods.
btw – I have that same shirt. Maybe this can be my excuse to grow my beard out again.
jsut love the look on Canadian guy`s face ^_^. good use of Canadian history to make fun too.
So, no one will ever see this but I feel its important to note that this is probably my favorite Manly Guys strip.
friggin canadian guy, man!
I love that photo so much! It’s so cute and cool! My dad was a bit like that in his youth in Scotland. Even has black hair and a big beard.
This is easily my favorite strip with Canadian Guy.