Reaper has a chill day
June 13, 2016
7:39 am
If the Gabriel Reyes skin is any indication, Jared is very much in line with Reaper’s aesthetic.
If the Gabriel Reyes skin is any indication, Jared is very much in line with Reaper’s aesthetic.
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The idea that Reaper would greet everyone with a shotgun to the face is hilarious and so right to me.
I love that Jared’s been at this so long that the shotgun barely fazes him.
Better still the news that his hat has a skull on it is traumatizing. So he’s still naive but also isn’t even remotely concerned for his own safety. The real question is what’s Mr Fish doing? Why didn’t he eat Reaper?
Bring-your-pets-to-work Day is only every second thursday. Didn’t you read the memo?
Mister Fish is actually surprisingly perceptive and recognized that Reaper was not, in fact, a threat.
Also, consider how many near death experiences Reaper has. Chances are it wouldn’t stick.
I must say that this is very impressive for a fish who I’m pretty certain has some brain damage because of the blunt force trauma.
Mr. Fish is not a pet.
He’s as much a valuable employee as Jared.
He’s a great intern.
He’s the ONLY intern. Like for years.
Well, duh. I mean, how ELSE can you greet people?
It may be that he can’t NOT greet people that way. He summons infinite guns. It might be like King Midas’ touch; he can no longer not summon guns all the time.
I could totally see octo-shroom being a powerup in the next Mario game. Also, does anyone else think Punisher’s logo would make a sweet afro pick?
I can see the octo-shroom being a mushroom that appears exclusively underwater, and makes you move faster.
I am a little concerned how quickly people latched on to an octo-shroom being an edible stimulant.
It’s Mario. Everything is an edible stimulant.
Technically he doesn’t eat them, he just walks into them. Presumably this is done for gameplay purposes, because stopping to eat every power-up you collect would ruin the flow.
I’m guessing this is also why he dies by bumping into grumpy mushrooms and militant turtles.
Perhaps grumpy mushrooms and militant turtles are lethal to Mario beacause he tries to eat them too?
Jeez, no wonder he has a bot belly even though he can sprint for days and do parkour.
Hey, you have my youtube profile name
You have good taste.
They show him eating them in the RPGs
Maybe it makes you invisible? Like, you blend in with the background, except for the character’s outline, so no one chases you, but it’s really tight quarters, so you still have to work hard not to bump into them.
I dunno, I could see Mario using his tentacle suckers to climb up walls.
Or to star in R-rated games. There, someone had to say it.
He does kinda look like Ron Jeremy to behin with TBH…
I do now
I can see it now. Skull-Shroom turns Mario into a skeletal version of himself, allowing him to easily walk through fire but falls can cause him to crumble into bones, costing you time as you heal.
Now we need to bring back that comic where he became black for a bit.
You and your fantastic ideas.
Reaper, we don’t use our guns to greet people, goodness. Use your manners.
With his awkward manner and seemingly elongated face, I think Reaper is so far the most likely-to-be-Jared-from-the-future character we’ve seen.
Not that I think that’s plausible. Jared would have to go through a *lot* before all the cute is squeezed out of him.
And even then I’m not sure there *is* a limit to the cute he carries inside.
He might just be the very incarnation of some divine endless fountain of pure, happy-go-lucky hapless nerd.
Reaper as Jared’s Evil Future Twin, maybe?
His evil future Mexican twin.
Past evil twin! His soul split was in twain at some stressful event in the past, as seen in Hyrule Warriors (Lana/Cia) and various saturday morning cartoons.
If Jared has infinite cute, perhaps we could use him as an infinite source of power.
*adds to to-do list: find way to harvest cute energy from people*
I think that’s the plot of Monsters Inc.
That’s closer to what the skesis did in the dark crystal.
What if Reaper is Jared from a timeline where things only get more serious with his internet girlfriend?
Reaper doesn’t look great on gun safety either (index on trigger – both guns). We may be looking at a “I just shot Marvin in the face!” moment.
OTOH, I guess where Reaper is coming from, gun safety is achieved by being trigger-happy. Better shoot first.
ok that reminded me of a old knife safety thing a insane mobster had on a show “Now remember knife safety tip number one these are sharp and could hurt someone so just stick it in someone until you need it that way you don’t hurt yourself”
Well, I think Reaper doesn’t worry about accidentally shooting his teammates, innocents or himself. On the first two cases, he just doesn’t care and in the last case, he’s death-immune himself.
Just because you can’t die and can heal doesn’t mean turning your foot into a bloody smear doesn’t hurt :)
Yes, but quite frankly, every single waking moment of his he experiences the pain roughly equal to his skin being ripped off from every cell of his body at once, I don’t think a blown up foot’s gonna be that big of a deal in comparision.
Oh Jared, you and your innocent assumptions. I like how polite Reyes is, I wouldn’t expect him to be the type of dude to make chill conversation like this. Love how you give all the characters that show up that little bit of extra personal dimension.
Well if anything he was mostly just butthurt over not being the leader of Overwatch but sorta meant the protection of people and shit, I guess.
Nope. He WAS the leader of Overwatch before Morrison stepped up to leadership and the top brass let him due to them not agreeing with Reyes’ “Mission above all else” attitude.
Also his exorbitant weapons invoices, presumably.
And all the littering is really bad for the environment.
I really love how McRee, who was Reyes mate in Blackwatch (and as Reaper says on Route 66, he also recruited McRee: “This is where I picked up the ingrate”), chastises Reyes for throwing away his guns when they run out of ammo.
McCree: “You weren’t given those guns to toss around like trash.”
Reaper: “I don’t take lessons from you.”
I heard all of this in Reaper’s voice. Also, the sheer absurdity of this particular strip has me giggling like a lunatic.
I keep reading it in Miguel Ferrer’s Voice.
I think I may watch too much Adventure Time.
I’m so glad I started playing Overwatch last night. Right on time for the MGDMT Overwatch comics. Nice.
I cannot stand Overwatch >.<
That’s cool.
I like it.
That’s cool.
I’m kinda neutral about it.
That’s cool.
C-c-combo breaker!
That’s cool.
I love Overwatch but I’m a bit too good at it because all of my last 6 games have been perfect.
By that I mean i didn’t die once and got a lot of kills
Try to not play against the bots next time ;-)
I refuse to form an opinion until I’ve played it. That said, I do appreciate the sheer variety of characters.
It’s quite flooding everywhere, eh? I came around buying it yesterday, so far I’m like “Yeah, nice game”. I don’t quite get the hype and I don’t like it being everywhere, it started overtaking all the Youtube channels I was following…
It’s been overhyped and I can’t go somewhere and NOT see it. Overexposure leading to a complete lack of want. Also it’s a MOBA or at least is heavily influenced by MOBAs and I really can’t stand them either.
It’s about the furthest from a MOBA that a team-based FPS can be. If anything, Overwatch is a reskinned, remapped, reimagined, rebalanced and redeveloped TeamFortress “3”.
Also, I think you’re getting some crossed wires from Battleborn, which has the same team-based aesthetics, but much more a MOBA than Overwatch could ever be.
Ah Battleborn, a game I really like, but is unfortunately more than likely doomed to obscurity due to poor marketing and an exposure that was confused with, and over shadowed by, similar-but-not-really game Overwatch.
As far as I’m concerned, if it has cooldown-using activated abilities and calls its characters “heroes”, it’s a MOBA. Overwatch is a blend of MOBA and FPS.
And no, I’m not confusing it with Battleborn. The only thing Gearbox makes of note is Borderlands and Battleborn vanished completely because of Overhy – I mean Overwatch.
Then basically you’re saying Dragon Age: Origins is a MOBA, because main character is a Hero, and his/her spells/skills have cooldowns. Gotcha.
Errr… you’re not a hero in DA:O, you’re a warden…
Congratulations, I believe you just won Today’s Most Semantic Comment award.
Yeah, I should have been clearer on this one. I wanted to make a subtle jab at the fact that playing dumb and being literal when there’s an obvious, unstated, bigger picture doesn’t help at all.
Like comparing a solo/offline/RPG game to multiplayer/online/pvp games because “hey, what you say about those games being similar can also be used to describe another, completely different gameplay. You see now how nonsensical you are when you say those games are similar ?”
I should have gone with a fruit metaphor or something.
Ah, you were being sarcastic.
Sorry, my bad. Years of exposure to the internet have led me to never assume I’m NOT speaking to an idiot. Apologies.
*looks at Ember’s post, specifically his yardstick for MOBA*
Off-key comparison HO! The sarcasm has entered a recursive loop.
In later games they refer to him/her as the “Hero of Ferelden.”
You are a Warden, but you also get the title Hero of Ferelden in the end, and that is the primary method for which the character is referenced in future games.
I can see your impression that it’s a MOBA by virtue of its rather distinct characters, but it’s actually more akin to TF2 in terms of it’s overall gameplay (some would argue point-for-point in that regard). In some ways you could argue that the individual characters are largely just preset weapon loadouts designed for specific roles.
Only thing Overwatch and MOBAs have in common at all is the fact that both have character specific skills with cooldowns.
That is 100% the similarity the game has with the MOBA Genre.
There is no minions.
There is no in-match leveling.
There is no in-match currency.
There is no items you have to buy with the in-match currency/upgrades to your character’s skills that apply to only the current match.
And finally and the most basic thing that a game HAS to have to even be considered a MOBA at all is there is no minions, towers, or other base fortifications that you have to attack in order to win the match/get to the enemy base.
Overwatch has more in common with TF2 and CoD-like shooters than any MOBA out there. It’s literally TF2-esque characters combined with the non-customizable CoD loadouts with skills instead of Killstreaks/call-ins and what not.
You forgot skins, Overwatch also has character skins :P
Most FPS games that aren’t “you are the most serious soldier who has ever serious’d” have characters AND character skins.
TF2, as usual, being the main example.
Well… You’re in for an awful time on the Internet for the next few months, I’d say. good luck!
That’s real freakin’ neato.
And you thought it this comment was necessary because? I don’t like Tank but I don’t go around saying ‘I cannot stand Tank’ on strips starring him. Yeah. You don’t like Overwatch. Clearly Coelasquid does so why insult it? You think they’d read it and be like ‘Gosh, Ember doesn’t like Overwatch! Makes my day, that does!’.
Urgh. I have a headache. I’m gonna go drink some water before I turn even more into Oscar the Grouch.
Aw, poor Tank :c
I like Tank. He reminds me of Doomguy.
I think of Tank as being a very Doomguy kinda dude. He probably yells ridiculous Doomguy nonsense when they let him off the chain in a combat scenario too. Lotta “RIP AND TEAR” and all that
He was litterarily designed to be a berserk packing man and a half. Right? Tank and Doomguy are probably bros.
Trying to remember who Tank is.
Commander’s big volatile cyborg ex-boyfriend.
It’s the first FPS outside of Portal I’ve enjoyed playing in 20 years so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wait, Portal came out when I was NINE?! I thought it was alot later than that… *googles*
It came out in 2007. I think you mean 9 years.
Wait and I just reread your comment and processed the phrase “outside of
“… Excuse me. I have to go to the Grammar Nazi HQ and turn in my badge…
Yeah, it’s crazy! The store where i bought the disk version doesn’t even exist anymore!
Was it one of those spooky game shops that you don’t remember seeing before, and when you go in they’ve got a bunch of titles you never heard of, but when you try to go back, it’s just a blank wall?
I got a haunted copy of Daggerfall at one of those.
Aren’t all copies of Daggerfall haunted?
Diddl, I generally hate playing FPS games, because they fail to make me feel like the utter badass I get to be in games like fall out. Overwatch, with its small teams and large character rostrer, accomplishes that still. And so, I like it.
P.S. also I really love how you portray Reaper. He’s my main attacker, and I love how he’s done here.
That’s my main selling point for games, too. I like to be THE Badass.
You may have heard this before, but if you enjoyed FPSes back in the day, you should really try the new DOOM. There’s a demo week going on right now. As I put it to people: It’s the shooter you don’t know you’re craving.
I also think you’ll also appreciate how Doomguy is characterized through the game. The devs did amazing things with just hands, arms, and the environment to work with.
The work on Doomguy is amazing. He’s worse than the silent mime character because of how little you can see of him, and yet he’s a clear, distinct character.
I bet Coelasquid could do amusing things with a silent but expressive character, too.
He would communicate with the agency by ripping and tearing demons.
Well it’s cool that you like it. I’m just growing really tired with seeing it is all.
This is my comic where I use my valuable time to draw things that I like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Many of us also like the things that Coela likes. That’s why we’re here, right?
Yes there are obviously many of us who likes manly men.
and manly women.
And manly giant fish/snakes…
And Portal really only qualifies for the FP part. The Shooter, not so much (Yes, even though you have a gun that shoot things, you don’t at any point shoot things AT people. That disqualifies it.)
I would play it myself, I just despise micro and macro transactions, and refuse to have anything to do with them.
The only transaction is you buying the game. All other content can be earned, and all future DLC will be free.
I don’t think I’ve ever played most (any?) of the games Coelasquid references, but I still enjoy the comics. Go figure?
(It doesn’t look like I’ll be trying out Overwatch any time soon. The downsides of the MacBook… That’s alright. Pillars of Eternity keeps me busy enough!)
There’s always Parallels…
True. But eh, I barely have time for the games I have now. XD Someday, maybe!
Based on the assumption that more people will see this comment post-edit rather than before: nice job for fixing the typo in panel 2, Coelasquid! :D
…unless you leave it there just to spite me and my smartassery, which I can understand and probably deserve.
I’m sure you don’t hve to worry about that.
Jared made the error. He was speaking a little too fast because of his nerves, and forgot to say the A.
Mostly it was just 5AM and I was extremely tired.
You don’t need to cover for Jared. It’s just us.
I’m surprised to see Jared actually at an office desk with almost cubicles. I mean we’ve seen him around the copier and stuff before but this seems like a first.
“Reaper… Are we the baddies?”
The joke, for reference.
It’s worth noting for completeness’ sake that several other military forces use skulls in their insignia, including elements of the United States Marine Corps and the Royal Navy Submarine Service.
Jared… why? Why would… did… what?!
It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
I’m having trouble processing why he’d think that was an octopus… thing. Unless he’s just screwing with Reaper.
the nose is the octopus mouth and the teeth are the legs.
I get it. I can see that, totally… but I don’t get why he’d think it’s an octopus o_o
Have you seen some of the things Pokemon comes up with? There’s a decent chance that Jared’s actually seen a mushroom octopus.
That… actually makes sense. Yeah, he must have thought it was a mushroom octopus thing.
Weirdly, I cannot actually say now if, before Reaper’s affirmation, I was seeing a skull, an octopus, or one of these alien sprite from the very old-school game space invaders.
My first reaction was along Jared: of course it’s an octopus, it’s Jared’s beenie. But it’s a bit of a circular. reasoning.
My brain’s pattern-recognition functions are a bit messed-up now.
Well Jared have a rather special kind of imagination.
I thought bby skull beanie he meant his flesh….
Makes sense, since Jared’s from pokemonland. Mushroom-octopus is a totally plausible thing over there, you know?
Next up, Reinhardt throwing Torbjörn.
Nobody tosses the dwarf!
Wait, wrong series….
I’m just here to say that I got that reference and now I need a mod to make that song play when Reaper ults.
Reaper-chan is so kawaii ♥
Jared gained 30 cool points for not freaking out in front of Reaper. Also, if the published backstory is any indication, regular hanging out with Jared is exactly the kind of therapy that Reaper needed.
Assuming that, of course, Reaper want to go back being Gabriel Reyes.
But then, hanging out with Jared just to be… yourself is perfectly fine, too.
After working with Kratos I would guess Jared’s threshold for guys in scary face masks is quite high, at least as long as he’s not firing those guns.
I think Pyramid Head might have been a large help too.
Considering the extent of all the other beefy murderdudes he’s worked around so long, anything short of someone actively expressing a desire for his death probably doesn’t get much more than caution out of him.
Exactly. And he’s got Mr. Fish to deal with those. Jared is just jaded.
Love that Jared is so used o this place that his expression at having a gun shoved in his face isn’t fear but annoyance
It occurs to me that Jared could easily be the agency’s human equivalent of a therapy dog. Let him hang out with people like Reaper while they’re there and help them with their problems.
Jared has a cubicle?
Not really sure that it is “his” so much as he is just working in the cubicle area. I mean sure its a background thing and not really that important but I would have expected if it was his it would have more “Jared” to it.
I know a couple places I’ve worked had areas like that for people that don’t rate an “office” to file reports check emails.
I figure the cubes there are like library internet, just a resource available to anyone who wants to use it.
I like to think that Jared is only using the computer to play Minecraft.
Or Stardew Valley.
Isn’t it the point of working in cubicles?
TRIGGER DISCIPLINE, REAPER. Jebus, dude, come on.
I figure if any overwatch character is likely to exhibit terrible gun safety it’s Reaper.
Junkrat and Roadhog would probably beat him out, for obvious reasons.
At least they hold onto and reload their guns. Reaper probably doesn’t even know how to clean one, the fact that the junkers can still fire their gives them a one-up in that regard.
Here’s a theory. All the junk that the Junkers use to make their gear? I’ll bet that part of it consists of scrapped Reaper “reloads.”
There’s a comic in that vein.
Then Reaper kills them, colects the bounty on their heads, and buys more guns. Its a circle of murder.
After having some scary-mask guy covering in bombs show up in his office, brandishing guns in his face and then compliment his beanie, it is the realization that the skull isn’t a mushroom octopus that he needs time to process ^.^
Jared’s psychological comfort has unusual priorities.
To be fair, he’s constantly surrounded by scary masks, bombs, and guns in his face. As far as Jared can tell, Reaper is probably just another badass who’s there to turn his life around.
Guns and bombs are external horror, realizing you’ve been wearing a skull beanie instead of a cute mushroom octopus beanie for years is internal horror. It’s a crisis of self-identity.
Typo in the second panel,
Er, he’s busy right now, you’ll hve to wait a minute
Did not even notice until you pointed it out. It’s always funny how we automatically fill in the gaps in such things.
They should Have Ash from Evil Dead in this
Either he smokes entirely too much weed, or not nearly enough.
since when does weed have to deal with this, god you must be one of those dumb asses that smoke weed
Comment sections are magical, in the sense that a wizard conjuring up poop and flinging it at people is magical.
Is it bad I was waiting for someone from Overwatch to appear?
I am rather surprised it is not Reinhardt looking for one of his drinking buddies.
I would totally drink with Reinhardt.
Reinhardt’s too well-adjusted. I’d have expected Reaper or Dad:76
I disagree, have you read the comic Blizzard released about Reinhardt? The dude has vivid halucinations about stuff, he is not at all well adjusted.
I like that Reinhardt is basically Don Quixote in power armour. Also that they hired an artist who specializes in drawing erotica of guys who look like Reinhardt to draw the comic.
Seems like they know their public, judging by how much Overwatch rule 34 stuff i’m finding on my usual providers these days! XD.
Don’t forget the hammer, and the Russian accent. Russian accents make any man ten times manlier automatically
I think he’s German.
You’d think his name would tip people off. :p
Russian, German… Potato, potato..
Are you speaking of german slavic minority of sorabes? Or of russian germanic minority of Petersburg? Or old prussian baltic minority?
There’s so many sorts of potatoes, картошка , Kartoffeln, Erdapfeln…
Kartoffel, Картофель, actually.
The charge does that, usually.
Does anyone else here Jared in Weird Al’s voice? I imagine him sounding like a young Weird Al.
I don’t think anyone can unsee or unhear him as Fredzilla.
Why yes, Reaper does seem like the kind of asshole that would point a gun in someone’s face (with a finger on the trigger) just to see them jump when they turn around.
And when Jared just doesn’t even flinch, he realizes that scare tactics wont work, and insteads drops onto nice-sociable-guy mode.
Ok, just went and looked back, he does flinch, ignore this comment
I love his pose in panel 3, haha. It’s amazing how one can look so content while wearing a mask!
No, you’re all wrong. Reyes is clearly John Freeman.
Okay, now that I see it through a Jared lens, the mushroom octopus is pretty adorable. It’s got a cute little happy face!
I checked the comic really late last night, and it reloaded last week’s first. So at first, I thought it was just another week of Cable still checking pouches, which I thought was genius. Then I realized it was the same comic, and it just hadn’t updated yet.
I’m not sure if Cable checking his pouches for a second consecutive week would’ve been comedy gold or if I’m just easy to entertain.
No, probably would’t have been that great. However, if instead next weeks comic involved commander, and you can see cable in the background still serching for his keys, that would be awesome
Guys, you’re missing the meta joke, here. Commander isn’t in the office yet because he’s STILL waiting for Cable to find his keys!
No, that looked a lot like the parking lot at the agency. I think he and Cable were going to go somewhere. So next timw Commander can come in to grab his keys, and that’s when we see Cable still searching.
Dude had a gun pointed in his face not a minute earlier, but it’s the revelation that his hat isn’t what he thought it was that REALLY throws off his day.
Jared, never, ever change.
*dies with laughter*
(appropriate given that Reaper’s there)
That is such a glorious reveal about Jared’s character and my new head canon for skull motifs on Srsly Manly characters. Thank you SO much
Jared is just the best.
*Rolls up newspaper*
No! Bad Reaper! Bad!
*newspaper smacking sounds*
Don’t worry Jarrod, if you want it to be an octo-shroom, then that’s what it is (heh, there is an artist on the HF who uses a Mushroom-Octopus)
I wonder what other clothing Jarrid is misinterpreting.
Okay, now that we have Reaper in the comic, I’m now seeing Reinhardt and Canada Guy at a bar… in the middle of a fight.
Wow – Jared is the exact opposite of Rose Lalonde
She (?) mistakes cute stuff for skulls and other dark symbols?
Something like that. She’s a character in Homestuck who wears a shirt with a cute purple mushroom-shaped cartoon squid, which she modified slightly to look like a cross between an angry skull and Cthulu.
Jared took this far better than I would. He may be lacking in pectoral girth, but he’s got what it takes to work there where it counts.
Damn, Jared’s shirt is pretty #FF00FF.
…I am now going to draw many little mushroom octopi
Reaper needs more chill days. Guy’s backstory is like a non wacky Deadpool.
Missing a A in have, second panel.
Hey Coelasquid, thank you for continuing to make things that are enjoyable, and bringing some wacky relatability to all these silly macho-man characters.
There was this awful movie back in 2002 called Extreme Ops (snowboarders vs terrorist) one promotion, I think for the DVD included a hat like Jared’s (stocking cap with a plushy looking skull logo) I can imagine this being that very same hat and 14 or so years later “…wait, it’s not a octopus? But fish is my whole thing!”
Is this Reaper from Overwatch?
Ok, i just want to say this now. If you make a comic that involves overwatch skins, I want Reapers Mariache skin in it. It’s awesome. MURDER MARIACHE!!!
Not related to, but … Kratos has a beard.
I think that I like the last strip where the skull mask almost has an expression of “oh you innocent soul..” not what reaper would think, but shh… it’s my headcanon.
Jared gets that skulls on your hat makes you the bad guy.
how long till Old man dad Kratos shows up in comic… and is it a different char from young Kratos in the comic
Jared clearly gets his beanies from the same place Rose gets her t-shirts.
It’s been almost year with no Platinum Black Page.
I was wondering what happened to the project. Hiatus? Dropped?
My colourist’s father died and I broke my drawing arm, had some potentially cancerous tumors chopped out, and got a job in a high-ranking creative position on a multibillion dollar franchise, some things had to get put on the backburner. I update as regularly as I can on the blog dedicated to the comic.
I see.
I only drop by to read the comic once a week and was not aware of your situation.
I apologize if I sounded rude, in no way did I mean to insinuate any entitlement.
You must take care of yourself, keep taking all the time you need. Good luck!
Out of curiosity, are we allowed to know what that multibillion dollar franchise is yet?
(Sorry if you’ve already told us and I just missed it/forgot)
THAT IS WONDERFUL WHAT YESS I AM EXCITE. I missed the Pblog for reasons of stupid but yay a blog exists
I hope you are happy: I saw E3 GoW trailer, and the first thing I thought about was MGDMT. Thanks for “ruining” video games for me!
Just kidding – MGDMT is awesome, and I can’t wait to see your take on new Kratos… First scenario that pops into mind is Kratos getting parenting tips from Commander.
After all, IIRC Kratos has been in very first MGDMT…
Aww, overwatch! It just made me so happy.
Am I the only one hearing some relaxing “elevator”-style music in the background of panel 3?
Reaper’s shotguns don’t have RPNT on them? Literally unreadable.
You should run with that, though, and give his shotguns some super edgy shorthand words each time you draw ’em in the future. RPNT, DCSD, TROR, and so on.
I don’t even know most of the video game characters you use but you still manage to make me laugh with every single comic.
Gonna have to protest making Jared an even bigger weenie by him not knowing about his skull cap.
Y’know who I would love to see here? Death from Darksiders II. Dude’s a friggin’ badass, maybe he could just pop in for some business? Or maybe he already has and I just missed it…. :c
So, should we have tine travel dookery and have Dad Kratos meet Young Kratos, or should it just be Dad Kratos because we’ve haven’t seen him in a while?
I literally had to go back to the beginning to confirm that Jared’s beanie always had a skull on it.
Now I think -I- need a minute along to process this.
It really does go to show what an amazing progression the character has undergone, from being just an ironic inversion of the typical teen slacker.
well ofcourse Reaper would like beanie’s. Given he used to wear when he was more…human
I always thought that the skull was a little out of character for Jared, thanks for this revelation!
I haven’t played many of the games that you parody, but I love your humor and style, keep it up!
I love this comic, not least for the comment section. This is the one place I read all the comments regularly, it’s a goldmine!
If Jared continues wearing that hat I refuse to not see it as a mushroom-octopus ever again. That’s just too good.
I want Overwatch action figures! 6″!! 1/12!! XDDDDD