That’s a couple days of not shaving for ya
December 27, 2010
12:00 am
I really couldn’t outline the passage of time in this world for you. I guess this week was particularly chilly.
I really couldn’t outline the passage of time in this world for you. I guess this week was particularly chilly.
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I like the full bearded commander
We look forward to gentleman’s handlebar mustache Commander.
I wish I could grow a neat epic beard like that in two days. I just shaved mine off today because no matter how much I trim it, I still end up looking like a yeti.
yeah, me too, mine kept going into my mouth when I tried to eat anything. ANYTHING !
pretty sure commander’s beard grows to match the chill and has an autoshave function when the weather heats up. autoshaving beard for everyone in the future, yeah XD
You are now jealous of retractable beards. Don’t even try to say that you’re not.
Thick, full beard+honey= Not having a good time. Seriously. Imagine sticky that you can’t get out no matter what you do.
That reminds me, thanks to this comic I no longer use the E-word.
The word “epic” has made the list of “banished” words, actually.
I believe the Commander would be pleased.
As Maddox(the greatest page in the universe, anyone?) would say, the word epic is only applicable to the sea, great tales of heroism and struggle(the Illiad, the Odyssey, and the like), and the cosmos. Truly, he’s got it spot on.
Well said by a qualified man.
epic epic epic epic epic epic epic epic …
he looks a little less badass but he’s still cool
he kinda looks more father-like then I”MA-FUCKING-KILL-YOU-like
he reminds me of santa
He looks disturbingly like my grandad.
I’d tap your granddad
Commander Christmas
God I wish I could grow a beard even half that glorious. I’m twenty-five, and the best I can do amounts to patches of S.O.S pads. Rough, overly curly, and itchy. The best I can do is a goatee to make my face seem less fat.
I’m sure it more or less corresponds to our timeline, except when story arcs branch out.
And I think I have a feeling Commander grew out the beard to play Santa Claus for his kids.
Also, Coela, you’re (I think) a Torontonian (or close enough thereabouts) to appreciate this, but did you happen to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra back on the 23rd?
I used to be in Toronto, but I moved to SoCal in November, and I’ve been in Manitoba since the 19th visiting my family, so I missed them.
Been Enjoying the Cold like the rest of us Manitobans, eh? :D
How much is the difference in weather affecting you? I think it’d be a nice change but some people like that cold and snow an’ stuff.
Ugh. Cold is terrible. I live in PA, and our weather is compared to that inabouts certain areas of Canada, and I can’t stand the winter. NorCal was just as bad in winter (lived there for about 8 months). Less snow, but just as freakin’ cold. Coel, you’re lucky to be in SoCal, beach weather and all. Are you in a place where it rains a lot? I do so enjoy the rain… D:
Beach weather nothing! I’m in SoCal, and it’s been record RAIN this past week! Even made the national news feed on NPR.
i live in colombia, during collegue time i live in medellin where its usually half cold, depending on time on year, during no collegue time (summer and holidays for some of you, half of the year and end of the year for me) i come back home, a place quite hot (about 30 C)….i would say i enjoy both hot and cold…
forgot something, havent lived in aplace with actual snow so cant say about real cold and snow…but sometimes in medellin ice start raining (pieces of ice, not snow) so i guess its something like that..
I was born and raised in the southern Mojave desert. Now I live in Wisconsin…..I fekkin hate the cold.
I live in Taiwan. It’s supposed to have tropical climate, but this year I think it’s gonna snow…
I’m SoCal born and bred too and I liked the rain. I don’t think we get enough… But then again, I was among those fortunate enough not to be a victim of fallen trees and floods…
Yes! It has…
but then it got sunny…and cold…
California would have warm, rainy days and cold, sunny days.
I have lived in Colorado my entire life and I hate the cold. Right now it’s pretty nice for December, usually between 50-60 for now. I am fine with this but I’m worried it means we’re going to get completely dumped on when we finally get the bad weather.
Mark my words march we’ll see a storm like 2003 Taekwondo
Oh god that was the storm to end all storms. Happened RIGHT before my spring break. 4 days off and then spring break, so awesome. :D
I left on a trip to Germany on Monday of the week before spring break. Finished all the advanced work my teachers gave me. Came back to realize that I was the only one to do any of it.
I thought it ‘never rains in Southern California’? 8^)
Yeah… Ya’ll got nothing on me. I live in South Africa, in a province where you won’t go below 25 degrees (Celsius) on the coldest winter day. In summer it’s closer to 45 degrees (celsius)
It snowed here once. We were all very weirded out by the STRANGE FLUFFY WHITE THINGS.
And our gym coach wanted us to go outside. We mutinied.
Awww, this is so sweet! Jared has a father-figure now!
Yeah, the Commander is a softie.
As, deep down, all truly manly men are, or should be, anyway.
Till crossed, then they are a force to be feared with. Especially if in being crossed some harm came to someone they are a father figure for.
…ye gods. Force to be reckoned with.
Yep, Taken is the perfect example of that, if you’ve ever seen the movie.
Ah yes, Liam Neeson at his finest as he flatlines only EVERYBODY.
And each person get’s flat-lined in their own unique way, they should feel special…
also, fuck yes beanie babies
Keeeep the beeeeeardddd <3
Badass santa reminds me of this comic:
So, the Commander had to grow a beard and put on gloves to stay warm, but Jared only has to sip up his hoodie?
It’s a strange fact of nature that while even the manliest of men get cold, skinny gamers are immune to its effects and may even be seen wearing sandals in the frost. Scientists are still unsure as to why this occurs, though some speculate that massive amounts of Mountain Dew may form a kind of antifreeze in the blood.
Teenagers hate dressing appropriately for the weather, adults don’t worry about looking cool if it makes them comfortable.
hey thats not wait no your right
Heh. Actually as a ninety pound girl, I can safely say that sometimes the skinny ones just don’t feel the cold that bad.
I used to wear a t-shirt and jean jacket in midwinter, and I never buttoned it.
Conversely my 150 pound sister is capable of wearing hoodies in hundred degree weather. I think it’s just a weird phenomena.
Yeaaaaahhhh… that kind makes you an anomaly, because that is far from the biological norm. If anything, I’d hazard to guess it’s a personal tolerance/resistance thing more than an “I don’t feel the cold because I have less insulation on my body” thing…
Well, Jared already has a hat. Most of your body heat and all.
+20 Frost Resistance.
Beard Commander is awesome. He should keep it.
Wow, the Commander just looks so WEIRD with a beard! But it was really sweet of him to get Jared all those Beanie Babies!
You know?! Took me aback at first. My first thought: “Wow… Canadian Guy bleached!” XD
Yeah, that was what I started thinking at first, but then I saw the goggles. lol!
is it just me or is the commander more chilled out unshaven maybe thats why canadian guy is so easy goin lol
Who wouldn’t want a sack of Beanie Babies?
is it sad i can ID several of the beanies? or worse that i own one of them? in my defense its the scorpion i own
Yes, THIS! I was excited to see the platypus. I love Patty. And omg, that red bull thing.
Patty was the first beanie I ever owned.
Red bull thi… oh snap it’s Snort! Man, I have Snort. He’s my cat’s very, er, special friend.
You’ve got the scorpion too?
I’ve got the blue/green snake somewhere. Hissy was always one of my favorites.
I think what I like even more than this comic is the mental image of the Commander shopping for those Beanie Babies.
Ahahah, you can find beanie babies for FREE or next to it these days :P
Don’t tell my mom that… she has tubs full of the damned things in her storage unit. :|
Yeah, my local thrift store is testament to that. Though I remember back in the 90s some “rare” ones would go for a couple grand.
all he’d need to do is contact taekwondogirl’s mom.
i now have this mental image of the commander bringing this shopping cart full of beanie babies up to the poor goodwill cashier. the poor guy wouldn’t know whether to be more intimidated by the manly beard, or the fact he has to count and price all those plushies.
sidenote: i actually played with my beanie babies, and was extremely irritated because i wanted a particular one and it cost several hundred.
She collected them when they were popular, she doesn’t buy them now thankfully.
That there is a pile of childhood joy.
New Years Resolution – Get a beard. :D
i second that motion
If only the last panel was the beanie babies actually being snakes and the kid had to fight them; right now it isn’t manly at all IMO.
He’s respecting his employee, nothing wrong with that.
The commander planned on making it manly -if Jared rejected them- but instead it just became a holiday version of manly; the commander allowed him to keep his beanie babies in the spirit of Christmas.
Being thoughtful and a good example is a damn good way to get manly respect.
The question is, who wouldn’t love a big bag of beanie babies?
First I thought that the commander looked really good with the beard.
Then I noticed he looks a lot like Canadian Guy.
Now I want a comic with some poor soul pointing this out.
(Canadian guy is a pallet swap of the Commander)
You’re a monster…
*Runs off*
He probably smells like Dos Equis, old spice, barbecue, and gasoline.
No Captain Morgan?
You need to find whomever told you Captain Morgan’s was a manly drink and have a good sit-down talk with that person, because he or she is intent on steering you wrong.
That…..I want to smell the commander now O_______O
So. . . he smells like my grandpa? Bizarre. . .
I usually smell like bourbon, sweat, and passionfruit myself….
It sucks having to use my fiance’s passion fruit scented shampoo.
Why not get your own..?
Money is tight. No room to splurge for non necessities.
On the bright side then, at least you smell like something she likes!
No…no…passionfruit mixes well with sweat! No worries.
It’s all good then.
Yes Jared.
It was a test. Excellent job on not using the “E” word, you may keep your plush creatures.
THAT WAS E- *gets smacked by flying object*
*By flying NO EPIC jar.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww, super adorable!
Also, Commander Badass is lookin’ pretty fine with that full beard.
Commander’s beard is the most awesome thing I’ve seen all week. :D Manly beefcake Santa with a sack full of cheap stuffed toys.
“Wait… This isn’t my bag of knives and guns… If this is beanie babies, then where..?”
Back with Sam and June.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Almost any man will look ten times more manly with a full beard. Commander looks awesome like this.
I think the thing i love the most about your comic is the way it makes me relive growing up in the 90’s and I love EVERY FREAKING MINUTE of it. Thank you.
Next Christmas Jared gets a tamagotchi.
Jared has great taste.
Apparently Tamagochi are back in style. My nephew got three of them for christmas this year.
i loved tamagochis when i was a kid, but since i went to school 8 hours of the day and such, the stupid thing always died before lunch. most depressing thing ever.
I seem to remember mine exploding. Not the toy but the “pet”. O_o
You’re a horrible mother.
better in his birthday, christmas will take a while
What, no Digimon vp? God, I remember those things spreading like wildfire in my school somewhere between fourth and sixth grade… Then the Pokemon games finally reached us not long after that craze died down.
Awwwww that beard looks awesome.
Never shave, Commander.
Jared’s face in panel 3 the embodiment of ridiculous childish glee…
all of us make that face almost once a day, look it up :P
Whatever people. I want to see what Mr Fish got for Christmas…
Beenie Baby Pokemon.
That he promptly ate.
haha XD nice
I like how they went outside and emptied the bag on the sidewalk. I he had dumped them out inside, EVERYONE would dive for them, and the Commander just doesn’t think Jared would react quickly enough.
Looking forward to the Fu Man Chu Commander Badass.
Yeah….my beard does that after about 24 hours. It gets kinda annoying, really.
Has the commander gained some weight…? In the last square he looks a bit like a fat redneck truck-driver.
He’s got a torso like Brock Lesnar and he’s wearing a sheepskin bomber jacket.
That’s actually about four hours of no shaving for the Commander. He keeps a machete in his desk in case his beard gets particularly unruly.
I don’t know what I was expecting when I first reading this comic, but a comic about the Commander giving Jared a bag of my childhood wasn’t one of ’em. Thank you Miss Coaelasquid for being an awesome lady, and for giving the internet a small taste of real manliness. :)
Also, little late, but Merry Crhistmas and Happy Holidays! ^_^
Your comic is featured on!
I love that it’s not even wrapped, that it’s just the biggest sack he could find to fill with Beanie Babies.
I like the full beard in this comic, makes the commander look a bit more “fatherly”
wait a sec…. *checks attic*
I wonder what Mr. Fish got for christmas.
Thirty minutes in the PokeZoo?
I approve of bearded sweetness. And I prefer Santa-ish Commander over regular Santa.
It’s been certifiable witches-teat cold and I’m not even in Canada. Damned winds are howlin’ like the bleedin Bain-shee’s just got cut off. Beard ahoy.
“Enjoy yer bean bag animals. I’ll be out back cuttin’ firewood with my bare hands.”
Great comic!
Just when you think this comic can’t get any sweeter… D’AWWWW!! ♥
You know, I have way too much in common with Jared.
beannie babies are the shit
I’m so glad I found this through 4chan ^_^
Also, I’m sure someone has asked many times, but might there ever be a physical compilation of these works?
Ah, I’m kind of undecided on it.
For the record? I’d totally buy one.
Or three. Because they’d make excelsior gifts.
I think you definitely should, but it’s a bit early still to do it. Also if/when you do, right after April 20 would be a good time. >.>
Awwwwww Commander you’re the BEST!! 8U I wish I could get a giant sack of beanie babiessss 8V
Also, Commander with a BADASS beard is BADASS
As soon as I saw the first panel I went “Commander Badass is SANTA! FOOOK YEAH!”
Santa Badass for the win
This comic provides empirical proof that Jared has no bones, because if he had bones he would not be able to get his arms that far around the barrel chest of manliness.
I hypothesize that Jared is internally supported by a system of pulleys and elastic polymers.
Commander looks like a blond Canada guy XD
and I find it amusing that he dumped all the beanie babies on the sidewalk.
either way, beard!Commander is badass! I approve!
where did he get them all?
Ebay more than likely.
I just wanna roll around in that pile of beanies.
The Commanders pose in the 4th panel cracks me up for some reason.
Commander + awesome beard = strangely hot….
I love how Jared’s arms can’t close around Commander’s chest.
The third panel. Oh my God the third panel, pure joy. Jared’s expressions always crack me up!
I just googled “Beanie Babie”. They’re just fluffy animals, right? I had some over here, but we didn’t call them that.
Specifically the Ty brand ones.
If the Commander keeps making me swoon I’m going to have to limit myself to only reading the comic from my fainting couch.
“So Commander how many beanie babies are in here?”
“Well there is…. *Raditz pops out of the bag* Over 9000!!!!!!”
“Damnit Raditz what have I said about doing that?!”
“Sorry boss”
Wasn’t that Vegeta?
Hmm. I think not. Youtube check. Damn. ….
Try it out.
I would… enjoy frolicking in a large pile of beanie babies. Then i would proceed to name them all. Also, The commander looks especially awesome. Just like the posters in Fable III say, “REMEMBER! Gentlemen grow BEARDS”
First you give us a shirtless Commander, and now you give us The Commander with a beard? Will all this Christmas awesomeness never end?
Bless you, C. Squiddy!
I haven’t seen my Father since I was 10, and now the Commander has bought me a big sack of Daddy Issues for Christmas.
Must. Be. Stoic. Where’s a Cigar?
I feel the commanders nose getting bigger and bigger.
It’s like nose nose Nose NOSE. But it’s a pretty nose C:
Here’s a theory: being the personification of manliness, has the ability to accelerate his facial hair grown if need be. So like.. he could’ve surprised his kids as Santa.
Or maybe he’s just been not shaving for a week and his testosterone is just that powerful.
He flexed his face and grew a beard out of sheer force of will.
has probably been said before but yeah Commander has nearly reached Nirmanva which means he can grow a beard at will to any length and style
Commander is quite handsome with a beard-stache :D
Is anybody else loving Commander’s boots? I bet they literally kick ass.
DAMMIT! I lost the game.
Commander is a nice guy… under all that masculinity.
This is so cute
why is this this cute
Beanie Babies!
As most of what I was going to say has been said I’ll say this. What happened to them? I looked them up just now on the TY website and they’re all comercialized stuff.
This makes me sad…. :(
That said I would love a giant bag of the 90s beanies brought for me, it was the 90s, wasn’t it? Lucky Jared. ;)
My eyes are made of little stars now. Awwwwh.
; U ;
How many houses would we have to set on fire to get you to do TPIM full time? Cause whatever the answer I’d burn that many.
Unless donations and ads can pay me $25 an hour for a full time work week it probably won’t happen in the near future….
sell stuff with jared and commanders face on it
I thought he was sexy before, but he’s even sexier with a beard.
I concur. He looks both good with or without, but I prefer me some facial hair. XD
Beards are nice in theory, but in practice, they end up scraping the shit out of you.
Speaking from the female side of the equation, I prefer the beards to the sharkskin stubble.
Anyone else think the beard makes him look a little like a blonde Canadian Guy?
That beard is GLORIOUS <3333
1: OMFG commander looks frikkkin fuzzy and soft.
Can i hug him?
Is that alright?
I mean, Jared just did it. and
. . . I.
Please? D:
1: wow that has to be like the manliest sack of bean-bag animals ever. Brown and black, man. Do you put thought into making this much manly happen, or does it exude from the commander himself?
comander has a manly core
A thought occurs. awhile back you had a strip that involved the commander where sunglasses and goggles at the same time….why isn’t that wall paper.
Because it’s small enough that I would have to redraw it.
Ah I see, dang would have made some sweet wallpaper. Would have made a copy of it and put it on my wall, and every time somebody complained I’d point at that picture, o well.
“I know it’s yer first holiday away from home”
You mean Christmas?
“holiday season” specifically. I don’t think most people would care unless they’re bent on being pedantic about it.
Dude. I love this beard. He looks like a lumberjack. A sexy one. And furthermore, props for bringing back some of the best-loved things in America–Beanie babies and Pokemon. You are the bomb. /End transmission.
I am going to marry that beard! It is so manly. <3
jared is EPIC……. shit im broke *runs for it*
we need a “day in the life of canada guy” comic THAT would be awesome
this was like…14 minutes of not shaving for the commander.
also, I love this so much. I bet the commander asked an employee where all the ‘little bean bag animals’ were when he bought them.
Hey, for anyone still wonde4ring what the definition of a ‘hipster’ is from last week’s comic, check out the article on ;P
It’s been said, but it bears repeating…
Commander is hot. And not just physically.
Sorry to bother Coelasquid, but would it be at all possible to get that third panel delivered without the speech bubbles and text?
The real test is getting the upper body strength to carry all those stuffed animals.
It was a test but commander didn’t want to break his heart.
I love how all of the beanie babies are accurate.
That is on my list.
Canadian Guy should shave his beard, for he is Canadian and us Canadians thrive in cold weather.
I’ve read all the strips in one day (today). I found out that one manly guy is still missed: Action Man. The toughest guy ever. Come on, he had a photo camera instead of the chest!
awe, that’s so cute… (^_•)
time for some yaoi :D
Fuckin’ kids and their damned internet…
I am beyond disappoint.
Oh my, Commander looks so much hotter with the beard. He oughta keep the beard on for a longer time definitely.
Happy New Year! Bring out the BOOOOZE
any other guys INCREDIBLY attracted to commander?
I love this comic :3 That last few panels have been amazing, but that’s maybe because I know all the characters XD
College bans the word EPIC
best christmas ever!!
oh my gosh…I see a parrot in that pile.It’s adorable…
Awww I want a Commander hug now too! Seriously, I think you could market a Commander plushie very successfully. Although I suppose a plushie isn’t very manly. Hmm.
Oh, how I wish I could grow facial hair *dramatic sunset stare*
Omg… i want beanie babies too!
some are awesome
Personally? I think a huge burly dude buying his poor stooge of an employee a huge bag of beanie babies is pretty much the manliest thing a manly man could do. I mean, how many LEVELS of “I do what I want and don’t give a shit what you think about it” would that even take? (Hint: a lot)
Because I am a dumbshit, my brain came up with this.
That beard. its so MANLYYY AhHFLLDSKjf;ajflksgpowtfbbq
Woah, I gotta say, I like the bearded commander look. It’s pretty sweet! I hope it shows up more often. :)
Awesome, thanks!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!! I frickin love Commander with a full beard >w< He looks even hotter!
Awwwwwwwww… : )
Now I want to give the Commander a “that’s so sweet of you for being all nice [to Jared]” hug. You see what you do to your fans/readers, Coelasquid? I hope you’re proud of yourself.[/sincerity]
In the long internet tradition of stating tautological things tautologically, manly non-compensating Commander is manly.
Honestly, you’re webcomic is so great. It’s late at night and with noone around at this particular moment, it’s really nice to have your fantastic characters to keep me company.
I can’t believe I’m commenting on this so many years after I first saw this, but I guess I love this comic so much I re-read it a bit too much. I don’t think Commander was testing Jared at all, he was just caught off guard by the hug.
I guess the commander doesn’t have any interest in getting Jared to ‘man up’.
I’m 99.9% sure those beanie babies previously belonged to the Commander’s kids. Lol.