The punchline is video games with the word “dragon” in the title
February 19, 2013
7:14 am
Hey, this makes three full years of updates.
Hey, this makes three full years of updates.
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I cannot stop grinning right now.
Exactly my face right when i type this post XDDDDDDDDDDDD
Me too! ahahahaha!
Poor Sten!
Every man here feels his pain.
Speak for yourself, dude. *grooves*
I think Sten and the “ladies” could come to a compromise on the music. Although, I am honestly not sure what kind a music he would listen too… I know he likes swords and cookies, what music would that translate to?
Maybe Folk Metal?
I laughed so hard at the last panel.
I am laughing at the idea of Sten and folk metal. It is such a perfect fit.
It is, isn’t it? Like some Blind Guardian or something.
Um… Nightwish?? It fits Sten better ^_^ Imho anyways.
Yeah, I could see that.
Nah, not Nightwish. Definitely something more manly like Amon Amarth or Hammerhear-era Bathory.
Yeah, or some Ensiferum. I could also see him listening to Behemoth.
yay comment ladder achieved!
Falconer. I think that would be a perfect fit for Sten.
I could see him being a Dalriada fan
This whole nest of comments makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
(And now I have to look all these folks up)
Three full years of WONDERFUL, AMAZING, FANTASTIC and GREAT updates. Seriously, best concept on a comic that I’ve seen in forever. Unabashed machismo is just what we needed, just when we needed it. (Hint: that’s always)
Thanks, Mes. Squid!
Hurrah!! Gratz and way to go, I have been reading since then~
Third anniversary! Yay!
….Right? I forgot mine and my gf’s last week and Valentine’s Day so my batting average sucks atm.
Wait, so the punchline ISN’T machismo? I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU ANYMORE!
But seriously, I lol’d.
I think that’s still the punchline. It’s just that it’s a multi-textured punchline.
I think that any guy can rock to Cyndi Lauper and still be macho. Hell, they disco’d to ABBA in the 70s, right?
It has laaaaayers.
What better way to celebrate than Cindy Lauper songs in convertibles, I ask!
Judas Priest on a Harley Davidson. Then again, maybe that’s just me.
Well congratulations on three full years, heres to many, many more!
That was beautiful.
Man, I love Dragon Age Comics.
Well this got me laughing out loud pretty hard. And then I scroll down to comment and there’s a super sexy Commander posing as Brando. Squeeee!
Congrats on the anniversary. Adblock disabled and ads clicked on.
Oh girls just wanna have fun!!!! Also, girls would like to know why nobody posted this before. Francly, it’s quite surprising.
That golem just looks so *happy*.
So Shale, Warden, Sten, and I’m guessing Zevran?
I wasn’t sure either, but there’s a familiar hint of cheek-tattoo-looking mark so I’m saying yes.
Shale is maximums adorbs. I hope the pigeons are steering well clear of that open-top car.
I love Shale!!! <3
My bad, just noticed that it was the Qun who banned Cyndi Lauper. Maybe it was “She-bop” that did it.
Shale is smiling.
I am filling my pants with fear as we speak.
Manly guys just wanna have fun!
Shale always wears her seatbelt. YOLO
Its been a long time since I saw parts of the Jared arc floating around on 4chan. Glad I hunted this site down and read through EVERYTHING in about a day.
Shale just wants to feel pretty.
And kill those damnable pidgeons.
Trying to picture Shale singing Cindy Lauper is… difficult, to say the least.
At first glance one might think Sten is disgusted by Cyndi Lauper. Me? I think he’s jealous that his religion/way of life forbids him from singing along.
And he’s the Arishok now! He can totally do that! :)
(No seriously, while it would be up to the Ariqun to unban Cyndi Lauper…I’m also excite!)
Sorry, delayed response to you and Jesri – google ‘Those Who Speak Sten’ and have fun. 0:)
IKR!!! HUH?!
Shale is totally eating a lot of bugs right now.
Two people in the driver’s seat? Unsafe driving practices are unsafe. The next strip has them wrapping the car around a tree.
Only Shale survives.
With a lot of bugs in her mouth.
I’m not much of a car person, but my uncle had a 77 Chevy Chevelle SS Convertible (try saying that three times fast,) that looked more or less like the car pictured, and it had bench seats in the front and back; it was capable of comfortably seating six and uncomfortably seating eight.
Also, if the pictured car is a 70’s era muscle car with an all steel body and frame, It would be the tree that gets wrapped around the car.
/gleeful snorting
Happy 3 years, C-squid!
I’m suddenly reminded of that extra “Far Far Away Idol” from Shrek 2 with the ugly stepsister.
Someone please tell me that I’m not the only one. Seriously. Please.
I could guess that the Qun banned Lauper after the song “The Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”.
Maybe the Ariqun is hipster too and found Cindi Lauper too mainstream
Any race that bans True Colors, She-Bop, Time After Time or Goonies R Good Enough should be hunted to extinction.
Standard congratulations message on 3 years of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things.
Congratulations and thank you for 3 great years! :)
Aah, I should play DA again. I haven’t had Shale in my party.
I have been in the Sten position many times. I always sucks. This comes from being with a woman, and making the mistake of being around her friends.
I posit it comes more from being a stick in the mud. :(
I think it is a rule of the universe, the more you are in to a woman, the more annoying and cunty her friends will be.
I think trolls have no place on this comment thread. Please leave.
I said something you personally disagree with. Having a difference of opinion, does not equate to “trolling”. I understand if you dislike the phasing I choose, as certain word do set people off regardless of context.
Yeah, sure, says the guy with the name “The Offender”.
No, you’re not out to offend people, nnnope. Not trying to stir up shit. Trolling? Pfft, hell no. You’re not TROLLING. You’re just an ordinary dude saying ordinary things and for no reason at all people are getting all offended and shit, hence your ironic self-title of “The Offender”, because you just have this weird bad luck where you attract all these crazy easily offended people. It’s just so zany, ya know?
I am glad you get it.
And here I was thinking your nick is “The Offender” because you are Zombie Warren Zevon.
I am “The Offender” because I do the thing people most often to be offensive. I look them straight in the eye, and give them complete and uncensored honesty. Most people scream when being exposed to that, it is so strange and new to them.
I will say this. I don’t know if you meant it or not but the way that you phrased it you sound like a “Nice guy”.
Perhaps my language was a bit strong. However I maintain no other single word would work and have the same impact in this situation.
Why don’t you find music both you and your girl enjoy and annoy her friends with it when you both sing along to it, instead of just going “Yeah, this is what you get with women.” :/
That kind of like “exploring mutual fantasies”. It is a good idea in theory but doesn’t workout in practice.
I don’t get it. :c
Pop open the champagne and slaughter the fattened crocodile! We’re having ourselves a merry anniversary party!
Not Dennis! He’s mah favorite!
Fattened crocodile? Are we in Genua?
Congrats on a wonderful three years, and here’s to the next three
happy birthday? Been nice reading
Just what is that song called? It can’t be Girls want to have fun, is it?
It is.
Happy 3rd Anniversary :)! Keep up with the GREAT work, you’re awesome
Happy Comic Birthday Anniversaryness! (Oh gawsh Shale looks awesome :3)
goddamn, happy Shale is ADORABLE.
I dont wanna be the killjoy on the 3 year anniversary, but youre missing seatbelts in the first panel..
Eh, the way it looks, I could give the seatbelts a pass as being obstructed. Shale’s is obviously under the right arm (from looking at the third panel) so the arm could be obstructing view of it in the first panel. And the Warden’s left side is sort of pushed forward, so I can buy his arm blocking out the seatbelt along with the shoulder armor.
They’re RPG protagonists, so basically fantasy superheroes. While it is likely illegal (as if this ever stopped an RPG character either), and certainly a bad example, I doubt any sort of car crash would more than moderately injure them.
…teach me not to look at the comic before replying. Ignore the above comment.
Whoohoo! 3 whole years of filling lives with laughter!
Yay, DRAGON AGE COMIC! I grinned all the way through it, just cause it was Dragon Age xD I love Sten :’) Currently replaying DA2 and I always think of you calling the Arishok a hipster…
I read this comic the other day just before I headed out to whole foods, and when I walked in this song was playing. It cracked me up and I got some strange looks.
This comic began on my birthday :D April 3rd
I came here expecting loads of comments complaining and pointing out that Shale is a female. I was very happily disappointing. I like this community.
why would you need to point it out? Everyone that’s played the game knows it. Besides…since she sings the part “I wanna be the one that walks in the sun” alone there really wouldn’t be anything for the complainers to complain about.
Been a while since we’ve seen anything from Jonesy. Everything peachy between her and the Commander?
You should totally do a “Mankey Guys Doing Mankey Things” strip.
Not sure if Shale should qualify for this, as ‘it’ was a she first..
Although she more than qualifies for singing the song, and her version of fun includes stomping on Pigeons!!
Congratulations on 3 wonderful years! I love your comic, it always makes me smile, no matter how many times I read through it!
Who doesn’t want to sing along to that song? Dude’s just upset because he can’t bring himself to join in on the fun.
Well move over Jonesy, Shale has taken up the apartment room for my nightmares.
oh and happy 3 year anniversary.
Happy aniversary!
Btw, is it me or there ain’t any ultra-macho characters in adventure games? I can’t remember any! Please help!
“Adventure Games” is a pretty general category. Mother 3 could be considered an adventure game, and Lucas’ dad looks and acts like freaking Chuck Norris. Also, in Dragons Dogma, Duke Edmun is pretty badass up until the point where you turn him into a crusty old man.
¡Gah! It’s true, i’ve gotta be more specific. I was thinking more of the Monkey Island/Myst/TLJ kind of game.
That would be a graphic adventure game, otherwise known as a “Point & Click.” Nightshade from “Nightshade: the Claws of Sutehk” seemed rather macho for the time I played it, although I didn’t get very far in (I got distracted pretty easily as a kid, so I only really played the first twenty minutes).
Looked it on Youtube. What a curious game.
…Quest for Glory?
Guybrush Threepwood is super manly!
Considering the escape velocity if they crash and she’s not wearing it, i think it will.
But… This isnt manly guys… Shale is female o_____O
Your point? There are comics about Sailor Moon and other females on here too, y’know.
Uhhh no. Being manly is when you don’t feel the need to point out and avoid everything that is feminine…
So is Jones and whoever that girl is in the front seat, and Sailor Moon, and etc, etc.
Just because the punchline is machismo doesn’t mean girls don’t exist in the universe.
Anyways, obviously this comic is focusing on Sten who is definitely pretty manly.
The “girl in the front seat” is Zevran.
Zev’s not a girl! He is however the Captain Jack Harkness of the Dragon Age world…he’d sleep with anything with a pulse…and sometimes he might even waive that restriction.
Are you on Google+, Squid?
The look of sheer unrestrained joy on Shale’s face in panel 2 brings happiness and warmth into my heart.
I love that Sten’s response still fits the meter and rhyme.
Ohmygod, it does. How did I not notice that?
It doesn’t, Qun is with a hard U and that just makes it funnier.
Oh, Shale. You big, lovable, terrifying gal, you.
I find this really funny seeing as I just finished Dragon Age Origins last night
In terms of Folk metal. I think Sten would listen to Turisas or Eluveite :P
This one’s kind of weird to me, considering that Shale’s the only female person in the car. And when I say female I do not mean feminine, i mean actually female. If I counted feminine, everyone but Sten would qualify.
Shale is a girl