There has been too much pancake
Kinda tapped for ideas this week recovering from Wasteland, so here’s a true story from Camp Payne’s pancake stand, because it seemed enough like it could have been a scenario that came from this comic.
Gotta give a big hand to the one and only Lord Humungus for getting up at like 7AM to do guard duty then make everyone free pancakes, THEN spend the day running between a million events including this wedding he graciously agreed to officiate.
This dude is sincerely the hero the wasteland deserves and everyone should show him some love in the currency of Facebook likes.
On that note, there’s also a documentary on the subject of the life behind the scenes of real life Lord Humungus in the works by the documentarian Faye Murman that you can keep your eye on the progress of over here. the tagline is “AN EXTRAORDINARY MAN IN AN ORDINARY WORLD” So I’m inclined to believe it’s probably right up the alley of the kind of people who enjoy this comic.
Man, who doesn’t appreciate pancakes, those who make them, and Lord Humungous? Only those with bad taste (in every sense)!
Amen to that!
Meh, waffles would have been manlier.
Pancakes over a camp griddle are pretty darned manly. Waffles, you just poor into a pre-made kitchen utensil and watch until the light switches and lets you know they’re done.
Although if Lord Humungulus was making them, I’d probably be defending the waffles.
Not PAN-cakes. MAN-cakes!
If you want waffles, take the pancake and STOMP on it. If you’re wearing the right boots, you get waffles. If you’re wearing something lesser, you get what you deserve. >:)
Should have had sides of Razorback bacon, wallaby milk, and Kookaburra eggs. I have my suspicions that his ancestor was the son of a Scottish berserker who was only successfully taken alive and sent to Sydney in Chains because he was only 10 years old. MacBlackadder perhaps?
That is a true man of honor. Forget the Dos Equis commercial, HE is the most interesting man in the world.
Really puts a whole new spin on Mad Max 2. He’s not a warlord. He’s a benevolent leader who’s been forced to try and take the gas from those corrupt refiners, because they won’t sell him any.
He needs the gas for his grill so that his people can eat his glorious man cakes.
Congratulations on your Wedding!
Wait is that you? Did you get married by Lord Humungus?
Lord Humungus giver of pancakes. A man one doesn’t wish to cross.
Gorgeous use of scalemaille! Did you go with stainless, aluminum, or stainless-clad aluminum (or something else)?
What a stand-up guy, taking care of fellow Wastelanders like that. Definitely going to keep an eye on the documentary. Thank you for the info.
That badass couple at the wedding look suspiciously familiar… CONGRATS!!!
All the best wishes, and congratulations on what looks like the most rad wedding ever.
A big man who has an equally big heart? Hello papi!
Pancake Gimp.
Pancake Gimp.
I am laughing in delight and I don’t know if it’s because of bespoke Wasteland pancakes, that boarskin/boarskull combo or you getting married. All these things are wonderful. Congratulations!
Wait, Coelasquid getting married?!
Well, Congratulations, and Be Your Life Be Happy, Long and Plentiful.
Lord Humongous what?!
I… can somebody give me a set of words to google or something!? Wasteland tribe? BDSM pancake guy? Just… who/what/where/when/why/how? I neeeeeeed to know!
Lord Humongous
He’s from the second Mad Max movie, “The Road Warrior.” He’s the ruler of a tribe of people who tool around the wasteland on the sorts of vehicles the Mad Max series is known for. It’s a pretty good movie, worth watching if you’ve got 90 minutes sometime. It was a little gory for an ’80s movie, but I doubt it’d rate PG-13 today, except maybe for language (possible nudity, I can’t remember, haven’t seen it in 20 years or so). That ought to give you a couple keywords for your searches, too.
The event is wasteland weekend.
That is just awesome all around. Wish I had your self confidence for stuff like this.
Holy cow you really can be subtle.
“This guy is so awesome and talented, and oh, btw, I got hitched. But how about that Lord Humungus?”
Congrats on the pancakes.
The Resemblance is uncanny. i’m upset I ate my own camp’s pancakes that day instead of his!
Now I have to do two things:
1). Say congratulations.
2). Watch all of the Mad Max movies again.
CONGRATS!!!!! Looks like an awesome ceremony! And a big like for Lord Humungus! And pancakes.
Congratulations! May your union be one of the things that’s left after the fall.
I don’t think a guy whose most famous quote is “just walk away” is a good choice to officiate your wedding.
How about, “Just walk away married”?
“If anyone objects to this joining, just walk away.”
You managed to find a suitably impressive way to get hitched. Awesome.
Congratulations! What an absolutely badass and wonderful way to get married!
That looks like a most excellent wedding. Congrats!
Wasteland Weekend sounds really cool. It’s almost 3000 miles from home for me. Maybe I can save up and make a trip out there next year. I have friends who would love to go, but probably can’t make that trip.
When it comes to making every Wasteland the best Wasteland, Lord Humongous will never just walk away.
Tank is the best! Don’t let his look fool you. He is one of the sweetest guys I have met at Dragon*Con.
Oh yeah, he’s a super great guy. I’m glad I got to grab drinks with he and Faye before they headed back to the East coast because they were both awesome to hang out with.
WHOOO! You got married! :) Massive congratulations!
Also, there is no such thing as Too Much Pancake.
Well done to all concerned.
The Lord Humongous is a generous man who speaks with a thick New Jersey accent!
I love playing the game of spotting Humongous cosplayers at various cons and looking for that Misfits tattoo to see if it’s ours. (it almost always is)
Also, spot the Misfits tattoo on bootleg merch being sold as “Official Road Warrior” stuff (Also almost always Tank)
And now I have my incentive to exercise. Not for health, not for attractiveness, but so I can finally cosplay as Lord Humungus.
Any reason is a decent reason.
Congrats!! Awww, that is just such a sweet wedding (in both the “AWWW” and “SCHWEET!” sense). So much yay!
Lord and Pancake Gimp Humunus
Damn Typo Humungus
~ He humungus’ed my pancake when no one else would ~
I can’t tell who the person in the boarskin clothes is, but I really wish it was armor in Dark Souls.
That’s what I wore to Wasteland.
I thought that was you putting in a cameo appearance… yeah, you earned a week off from making and posting comics.
You should totally just do a few comics about what happened at Wasteland, since I’m SURE there were plenty of memorable stories. Anything amazing happen in Thunderdome? I wasn’t able to attend this year, but I plan on going next year.
I appreciate him. Someone that works that hard deserves many kind words of gratitude.
I like to think that now because of this comic, that Coelasquid is now in the MGDMT universe
Just out of curiosity, have you told The Lord Humungus that you’re going to call him a pancake gimp in your online comic? What’d he say to that?
I love this.
If you get a chance to converse with the pancake making humungus, let him know that he is now my spirit animal and I shall be praying in his honor to follow his example.
Dude needs a Worlds Nicest Badass patch:
Whooo congratulations! Especially nice to see a wedding pre-hardened to survive even the collapse of the civilisation keeping the relevant records.
I don’t get it, i need context. Did someone marry in Las Vegas and ordered a Mad Max theme?
I’m only concerned about the comic and its message.
There’s a big post-apocalyptic festival in the Mojave every September and I got married there.
Combalations! When I showed my wife the pics of you guys at Wasteland Weekend, she got super jealous we didn’t do that for our wedding. Now she wants to do a steampunk renewal.
Congrats on you marriage and the most awesome ceremony ever
What a beautiful ceremony! Much joy to you
This is Fricken EPIC ! Camp Payne is still piloting on how to show THE Lord Humongous how much we appreciate his help on Saturday ! What an incredible guy he is….. Truly an honor and a blast.
I don’t understand what’s Camp Payne…. but it looks like a bunch of people LARP’ing Mad Max.
…I…… I am so envious…….
All hail pancake gimp