This week’s comic is about why this week’s comic is late
January 14, 2013
12:00 am
Well, one of several reasons.
This is the true story of any given person who has just been exposed to Burrito Bison. Or it’s sequel.
Well, one of several reasons.
This is the true story of any given person who has just been exposed to Burrito Bison. Or it’s sequel.
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Reading this comic at work makes me want to play video games at work, which is problematic because my bosses sit next to me.
Send your bosses this comic, then they’ll be too busy playing video games at work to notice you playing video games at work.
That is insane yet genius.
LOLs XD Yeah i remember something similar; there are times when i was doing my work in the computer, but instead i played some games ^^;;
You can’t really blame me for such distraction, because DISTRACTIONS are exist to makes our life more.. “interesting”… :P
Do not forget that the Chinese consider it a curse to be “living in interesting times”…
I can understand that. Interesting times me more self discipline and focus. I type as I’m avoiding writing while commenting below an online comic.
I mean’t *mean more self discipline and focus.
Diabolical, even.
I tried the link-my-boss-to-it distraction, and he just got mad at me for reading webcomics at work instead.
I work in the video game industry, that IS my job.
I love my job.
lucky you.
Cotillion- I envy the crap out of you. I’m not afraid to say it. On a side note, I type ridiculously fast and this damn forum makes me wait before posting. So, I have to write it up and then press the spacebar after writing for a minute before it lets me post. Lame.
Yeah…that’s a problem…by the way, i took me 1hour 23minutes to finish the game, i was able to stop after finishing xD
Those games, for all of the simplicity, are addictive as hell. Trust me, you are not the only one to fall victim to it. Or Kingdom Rush. Or Gemcraft 0:the Labrynth. Or any of the other hundred or so games on ArmorGames or Kongregate like them.
Seedling is one of my favorite free games. Seems like the free flash game has evolved a lot in the last few years.
Hundred? HUNDRED? There are thousands of games on Kongregate. There are over 300 rated above 4 stars.
Oh, Skinner Box. How we love thee so.
Skinner box as a term is better applied to ‘push button get points’ style gameplay where the idea is to get persons hooked on the stuff they can get in the game grinding it out.
The games that are more relevant to the comic focus more on ‘simple’ games like snake, or maybe space invader, or tower defence. Those games can have skinner box elements but usually the point is to try your hand at the challenges the game has to offer through its mechanics
I don’t understand why the Commander doesn’t wear a shirt under that jacket.
Leather isn’t very comfortable on hair.
It’s the uniform the military gave him to look more badass. He doesn’t choose to dress like that.
Poor guy! I’m pretty hairy myself, and I can tell you, I get ornery if that hair is disturbed by what I wear.
Then again, maybe it’s different for other men. I haven’t really asked around; “hey dudes, does what you wear bother your chest hair?” It’s never really come up.
I have one patch of hair, about a square inch, on my left pec that gets kind of tender when stuff rubs on it.
The rest of my chest is fine though.
I’m a fairly hairy bloke, I find for the most part good personal hygiene goes a long way, use conditioner on your chest hair, not only does it make you more cuddly to the feminine kind but it stops your hair “grabbing” on stuff. And if you get sweaty a bit of talc goes a long way.
I get what you mean. I have unnaturally hairy arms and legs (and yet I can’t grow facial hear or chest hair, go figure), and I never wear form fitting pants or long sleeve shirts because of how irritating it is.
What if there’s a not-leather coating under the leather of the jacket?
He has such a dense cushion of chest hair it functions as its own shirt.
However, the drawbacks are that he now shares something in common with toy dogs in cute costumes.
Don’t judge FETISH.
The main problem is getting chest hair caught in zippers/buttons. Trust me, decidedly un-fun :(
Did Jared get shaved as a reprimend for the incident?
I forgot to draw his hair because I inked this in like fifteen minutes
Wow, Burrito Bison’s got you hooked, huh? ;)
No, that can’t be. He was so amazed by Burrito Bison’s combination of Manly Masked Wrestlers and Delicious Colorful Candy that his stubble was blown off by it
i figured he was simply still infected by the cute guy viris.
Or it hasn’t grown back yet, since it took him “4 years to grow that”
It grew back the instant he got the vaccine.
I’m surprised Jared didn’t admit to playing Robot Unicorn Attack. Now I admit, I have played Evolution twice, but I shut the blasted soundtrack off.
RUA is Commander and Canada Guy’s game.
Jared is simply not manly enough to appreciate it.
yup, that brings back memories. X )
Yeah… I’ve played through both Burrito Bison and it’s sequel on Kongregrate. As well as Knightmare Tower, which plays somewhat similarly and was created by the same people.
Yep, have fun playing Knightmare Tower now, guys.
Damn you Revvy, I did not need to know about Knightmare Tower. I just managed to pull myself away from Berserk Ball 2. Well I’m glad I got all of my stuff done, I’ll be playing on Kong for the next few hours. I hope I remember to eat and walk my dog this time.
Yeah, Knightmare Tower. I lost a whole weekend to that game once.
The secret final magic potion was a cool thing too.
Damn you! Why would you mention the sequel?!
My wife and i have played this game at opposite sides of the room for 5 hours straight, not speaking except to bitch about not getting a car or congratulating each other based on the sounds of the game.
…how do you do the box thing?
I call it black magic, burn the wizard!!
No, perhaps he can teach us how to do this wondrous thing…. and then we can burn him. :D
HTML tags, guys. I suspect blockquote.
Burn the witch!
Oh hey what’s that NOTE under the textbox… that seems kinda dangerous to leave enabled. I know most places don’t allow HTML for a reason… unless it’s those tags and no others exclusively.
Playtime! Testing
Three FourFveFiveI concur with the heathen witch. We trust you will give us Manly goodness in due time, Coelasquid. If you need to tend to a couple things like Burrito Bison, that’s a-ok!
This just made my LIFE. I did the same thing when I found IronFell.
I really had the very same reaction when I discovered this game xD
And well the fact it’s the reason for the delay is a great idea ^^
I’ve been skinnerboxed!
played this a while back. 2 days. 2 days of my life, gone.
Even the Commander cannot resist…
Ooh, there’s even a link to the ga-IT’S A TRAP!!!
*phew* Dodged a bullet there.
Alas, it was too late for myself ;-;
Yeah, there was a week there of my life where I accomplished nothing thanks to that game.
GPOY of the year, all years.
This was me last night with a rpg/puzzle game 10,000,000 last night. I saw it bought it, figured I’d play like 15 minutes of game and that be the end of it. Several hours later…. It is impressive how adding RPG elements to a game can make it so much more addictive. The puzzle part of the game is basically just Chuzzle.
I was really hoping to see Sailor Pyramid Head winning that contest….
I thought that was implied?
Yes, but still wanted to see standing victorious with a nice tiara
I wonder what the crayfish on the mug must mean… if it has anything to do with a good old Louisiana-style crawdad boil then I’m in. I’d do anything for some buttery crayfish right now. But all we have is coconut soup, and that will do.
I wonder if he’s one of those dudes who keeps collectibles of what he’s killed.
“Hey girl, guess what Daddy finished off today?! A giant lobster!”
“Yay daddy, here’s a mug of that giant craydaddy you beat up!”
Or, more likely…
“You killed a Mr Fish…? ;_;”
Minotaurs AND luchadores? Oh man if I had the time to waste I would be playing this RIGHT NOW. D:
Also holy crap wordpress is freaking out in Opera. Anyone else having issues?
beat my record!
I got it in 1:17:something. Maxed launcher, lots of gummis and a LOT of luck. Sadly I didn’t screencap it.
Also, this game has made me hate cops with a passion.
This was basically my exact reaction after having discovered Robot Unicorn Attack. Also, must…. resist… urge to… click link…. I have…. work to do!!!!
it´s been such a long time since i played burrito bison games in adult swim… its so much of a happening that it made me comment for the first time,damn you burrito bison and your nyan cat reference.
Noooo noooooooo why did you have to remind me of those games?! I played them both to completion, and accomplished nothing else during those couple of weeks. Damn it, I have to resist the temptation to go back and replay them. I have to…
It might not be quite as addicting, but I wonder what their reactions to Lucky Tower and its sequel would be.
Curses! I just spent an hour and a half squishing gummy bears along with my little brother. Perfectly understandable on why comic was late and I agree with the Commander whole heartedly. Great job Coelasquid, funny as always.
Thankfully I’ve already played both games and gotten all the achievements, so my evening isn’t shot.
1 hour 16 minutes of my life gone!
Holy shit! This is actually a thing!!! Mind=blown
I am so….so glad I could pass that game along to you. I played it for about 5 minutes and was like OMG MY GOD I KNOW SOMEONE WHO WILL ENJOY THIS MUCH. And then I shared, and now you’re trapped. Forever.
This makes me so glad I get bored of these games after finishing the main quest.
If you think that the burrito bison is addictive, you should try out Robot Unicorn Attack. You can’t stop playing it!
I did a Robot unicorn joke like ten weeks into the beginning of this webcomic.
Canada guy keeps beating the Commander’s top Robot Unicorn scores.
Man, I try to avoid addictive flash games. I got better shit to do.
*goes back to replaying a JRPG he’s already beaten maybe 20 times*
*REALLY wishes he was joking*
So I was playing this for a little bit and my 3 year old wanted to play. And she beat my high score her first try…. She wasn’t even looking at the screen
I’ve done all the stuff I need to do today! HOORAY!
I tried that game once.
Decided it was just like many other, more interesting and addictive games and had done it countless times before.
Let it go after two or three flings. Moved on.
Welp. There goes my productivity for the night.
Thank god i finished both games, twice, a wile back… oh damn, there goes the day.
Aaaand game fully completed. That was kind of overhyped.
This game reminds me of Nanaca Crash – which I also got addicted to when I first played it… > >
Why would you do that to me? I just killed 2 hours.
Beat it though.
More fun that Mario Wii U.
Now I want to actually see Burrito Bison show up…!
This game is awesome. How did I not know about these?
Well beat the first one. Says it took me 2 hours 50 minutes. It didn’t feel nearly that long. Had I to guess I would of said 20 minutes tops.
And there goes 1h15m of sleeping time T.T And I still have to play the sequel! D:
Yes!!! Tribez on the iPad owns me. I start with a “I’ll just check how the guys are doing” then suddenly it’s Monday.
That would be its. Not it’s.
This is the internet, grammar is mandatory.
I actually used that game and its sequel to write essays to… They helped me procrastinate less! (I only got one jump per writing sector)
I preferred at least a game you can do in idle mode to well… other time suckers… *shifty eyes*
Dammit Kelly! I truly HAD stuff i needed to do!
and since i complained about this game at facebook, 4 other people now blame me for making sure THEY won’t do anything that needs to be done!
The devs of Burrito Bison linked your comic from their facebook page this morning. :D
This happened to me yesterday, only it was sadder–I was playing the Google logo game with the zamboni.
Haha, lolz, I found this game almost half a year ago. It’s really sweet.
This Winnie the Pooh baseball game is fun… and impossible to finish. Christopher Robin is a beast:
So with how many comments we get listed hereabouts let’s have a list of internet games. Only requirements: free and has a working URL. Bejeweled and Alchemy are the timesinks at this house.
Easy Mode:
Lol, I know EXACTLY what’s happening here, because I too discovered Burrito Bison’s Revenge or whatever the sequel was called. XD Not sure I’ve played the original though. :P
It took me 1:34:30
I shoudn’t have clicked the link.
Took me two and a half hours to smash through the glass wall on a rocket ship. Now I can finally go to sleep :D
I loved Burrito Bison when I first played it. Glad to see it immortalized here.
Is this an astrological mug? Is Commander a Cancer?
I think it might be a lobster, among the manliest of crustaceans.
Fun fact: where I live the zodiac sign translates to ‘Crayfish’, which is similar to lobster.
Looking at the colors, I am betting it is a gift from his daughter. Likely painted it herself.
I love burrito bison!
Why, oh why, did I spend over six hours (from midnight to early morning I might add) of my life playing these. Damn you MGDMT, damn you!
And I still have stuff to unlock in Burito Bison Revenge… Guess who’s gonna play ever more of that.
Oh no… I didn’t kow about part two…
Please, never again….I’ve spent the last 4 hours playing Burrito Bison and its sequel!! >.0<
lost two hours of my life to that game last night. XP
You’ll all be playing kongregate soon anyway. Don’t worry, the badge of the day isn’t always some tower defense or launcher game, and not all platformers go ham on yo cache
I enjoy it when you draw identical panels in some of your work, it gives me the chance to spot the difference as if i were playing a before and after pick. like how the lobster tail in the first bottom panel has 3 curves while the second panel has two curves. and in the first one, you can see bother legs on the picture frame but only one in the second one. sorta like an additional treat after reading the comic.
The funny thing is… is when my friend introduced it to me, we spent a ton of time talking about how manly the game was.
It is also ridiculously addicting. What a fitting comic.
I can’t decide whether or not how much I hate or love you right now for introducing me to this game.
I just spent two hours playing that until I managed to beat it. God damn it.
Good god this is addictive to the point of me questioning their methods of mind control used when making this.
Will bison appear in the comic?
The question is not whether Bison will appear in the comic, but rather how serious he will be.
Agreed. This is a well matched game to your comic!
haahah i read this, got hooked on the rest of the comic, and finished the whole lot of 150+ pages. and finished both burrito bison 1 and its sequel too! all in a 4 days work!
ugh……….. You suck Coelasquid… that just ate up 5 hours somehow >_<
Just spent so. much. time. playing that game. Can’t stop.
Son of a mother! WHY YOU DO DIS TO ME?? I read this comic, then of course decided to lookup the game, and have now spent at least 3 hours on it. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~
Typing (+trackpad) with gloves looks hard
I… I wanted to sleep after checking this…. But now all there is is Burrito Bison! NOOOOoooooooooo!
Who doesn’t love those games?
My boyfriend just admitted to me that this is the reason he discovered Burrito Bison.
This is the reason I had no boyfriend for seven hours straight on his day off..
Usually Manly Guys brings us together.
This time, it tore us apart.
Why, Manly Guys?
Why the betrayal?
yea that game will KILL your day
I remember other people playing the first one and telling them it was stupid, years ago.
Today I have played it and maintain that opinion.1:45 area.
Going to shoot the character in the sequel once so I can look at the upgrades and then close it immediately after.
Do the missions replace themselves each time you do one like that ipod game where you fly past scientists?
Dammit! I had to look it up! now its 2am and I have work tomorrow.
3:30am… this thing is dangerous!
Well, I managed to get all achievements (and win the game about 10 times)
Thanks for introducing me to Burrito Bison, that’s 15 hours of solidly button mashing that I’m not getting back!
I remember when i found that game I had to be at work by 6 am the next morning I stopped playing it sometime between 4 and 5 am
Fuck..yeah, that’s me… I know I’m behind the times, but I just discovered Portal 2. It is a time suck. And I just bought Aliens-Colonial Marines but haven’t put a lot of time into it yet.
Seeing as I was supposed to be writing Senior Research and instead discovered/read your entire comic this afternoon, this page hit way too close to home. =) Thanks for a great comic!
I read the first panel, not getting at all what Jared was talking about. Then I played it…
Welp. I don’t need to go to bed right away…
So then I max out all the stats and items, yeah? And when I’m done with that, I launch my Bison and kick back to see if he could break out on his own. He couldn’t but darned if the little guy didn’t try!
Then I came back and reread Jared’s rant. Yep, ’bout sums it up!
PS: NO WAY am I gonna try to even attempt BB’s Revenge until I get some sleep first!
I deny this! I deny it vehemently! I am also a big fat liar!
Gotta love Burrito Bison !!
I love this comic it is so filled with awesome. I just spent a few days doing nothing…but reading this comic. Which means, your comic which includes video games and your playing of video games is the reason I have done nothing. Is that some sort of comicbookvideo game inception?
yeah… this is what burrito bison does to a man
My sister hates launch games. Hates. I left the sequel up on my compy while I made a sandwich. Yeah, she wouldn’t let me have it back. So much fun.
wow i read this comic like 4 hours ago then looked up the game, leaving this tab open… after 4 hours of burrito bisoning i come back to see the last panel
“Damnit. I had shit to do today.”
story of my day apparently
I know the feeling Cmdr. Badass. The game is kinda addictive yet soo much fun to play in is simplicity.
I get to this page again.
I click that stupid game. Hours go by. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy dont I have better time management skills.
Burrito Bison is manly as all fuckin’ hell.