You’re one to talk, Widow
October 16, 2017
2:37 am
So how about that Reaper concept art, huh?
So how about that Reaper concept art, huh?
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About sums it up, aye.
Here’s hoping for the next event to be about diversity, or maybe George Miller
It’s like if Lord Humungus was raised by goths instead of barbarians.
I will say, those boots are pretty rad.
Now I want to read a comic about that!
I swear that costume looks Organisation XIII got a new member that was into bondage.
Did he raid Voldo’s closet? I think he raided Voldo’s closet…
Nah. Voldo will put up a good fight & can put some serious scars to Gabe anyway.
I don’t…THINK that was supposed to be skin in the concept art? Like, maybe grey armor? But then again, I can’t prove it’s NOT skin, so…
For some reason I thought at first that it was supposed to be empty space, like his torso was pretty much just smoke in the general shape of a body?
This is Blizzard. Look what they’ve done with undead etc in World of Warcraft, then come back to me on whether you think that’s skin or not.
(I believe it is.)
A+ comic. I like how you did Widow casual.
Raise your hand if you’re currently imaging Reaper’s Ultimate quote being “WITNESS ME”.
Nope. Regular blood.
His crotch has a face. That is all.
paint it red and it looks like Trigon’s face from the teen titans series…
*pours brain bleach*
Ahhhh Sweet ignorance. Such sweet bliss.
were they going for voldo i wonder?
I have no words for this. Literally no words to describe what this comic has done to my mind.
Reaper, buddy, have you been watching that Disturbed version of “Land of confusion” again?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this
Oh no you didn’t! XD
Am I the only one that was oddly more distracted by Widowmaker’s bared shoulders than Reaper going through another phase of “alternative”? I don’t even know why because I’ve never really found her to be attractive. There is just something… Off about her. Relatively speaking, of course, given the obvious blue digital character thing.
I love that Widowmaker wears 80’s-style sweatshirts with the necks cut out. It’s perfect.
On another note, thank God they didn’t go with that look for Gabe. Yikes. Edgelord indeed.
Nice to see Widowmaker and Sombra in a comic.
A few times, just rollback through the archives. :)
…Am I bad for wanting casualwear like what Sombra and Widow are wearing in this to be skins in the game?
You actually toned down the size of his armor-plated cock-sock from what it was in the concept art XD
Codpiece. The term you are looking for is codpiece. Though I fully approve of ‘armour plated cock-sock’ and think it should be applied to all discussions of such apparel.
I have added the word ‘armor plated cock-sock’ to my vocabulary. I am eternally grateful.
The pretty complex BDSM gear and shading in this one makes this seem like a good time to say that I am very impressed by the fact that the comic has been right on time for ages now. That can’t be easy for a busy animation professional with a life, and yet it’s out like clockwork every week.
Turn around, we need to see it from the back!
We really don’t want to see the “My Little Pony butt plug tail swishing out from under the coat. Personally I am just surprised he didn’t have a ball gag already in!
My first thought was “Oh, that looks pretty coo- oh wait. That’s his skin. That’s a lot of skin. “
He’s like an albino Deadpool.
Be bold! Be beautiful! Pay no mind to the haters Reaper-chan! Wear what you want! You are beholden to no one!
Looks like album art for a Disturbed album
Yeah, I think he has the “sexy reaper” concept that’s good for Halloween, but his regular outfit works better for day-to-day wear.
Unless this turns out to be his casual wear.
You could say that he’s a very disturbed individual
Whelp, now I know what I’m wearing to this weekend’s Halloween play party.
Even the 90s weren’t THIS 90s!
No, this is better! ^_^
I’d wear that without the spikes…
wow, look how empowered he is! That look is clearly optimized for mobility and maneuverability!
But it doesn’t do a damn thing for body modesty…What the heck, it’s only for Halloween, right?
…I hope…
(I understood that.)
I think the most interesting thing here is you could take off the jacket/hood, gender swap reaper, and nobody would bat an eye at the outfit.
I’d say keep the jacket on and fem-reaper would look cool.
he looks like The Guy
Context for those who, like me, don’t know the Disturbed fandom very well:
Not to be confused with The Dude!
A little gothy/bondage beefcake never hurt no one~
As long as you remember the safe word that is.
Well, of course. This is all green light though, Anarchyant~
Put on some pants Reaper! We’re about to go to Eco-Point and I WILL spend the trip telling you “I told you so” when the frostbite hits your thighs.
Wow. Sexy, dominator Reaper. If he’s intending to strike fear into his victims, he needs to rethink this design. I remember Creeper wanting to strike terror into the hearts of criminals and I thought, “Mister, no one is scared of feather boas.”
A guy could have a lot of fun with the homophobes among the criminally minded though.
Someone who looks like a two weeks corpse should not be allowed to show this much skin…
So basically Voldo in a trench-coat…
omg omggggggggggg this is great
Well, I mean, I’m not gonna protest it either.
Aye, needs just a biiit more there. *summons large spiky collar and leash from somewhere* Yep.
Mid-life crisis at 60. The future is awesome.
All I can think of is how that has to chafe.
Truly he suffers for his art.
Coela’s drawing of Reaper is amazing, but for me the best part of the comic is Sombra calling him Gabrielito
Apparently “Gabrielito” is what the name she uses in the Spanish version of the “do you mind if I call you Gabe” line.
Being the diminutive version of Gabriel, it’s commonly used when talking to kids named Gabriel in spanish-talking countries.
Yeah, I know what it means.
Do you think it might be a reference to the platform boots?
I just want to thank you for all of the eye candy. <3
I didn’t know The Guy from Disturbed had a cousin in overwatch :O
Love to see that make it into the game just to see the ESRB’s, etc. collective heads explode.
Yes, please.
They must be at the Gap, cause he has a few of’em.
Does this Reaper costume have jiggle physics like Patrick Star from that anime Spongebob opening?
Looks like he wants us to get down with the sickness.
So Reaper is cos-playing as Voldo from Soul Caliber?
This feels oddly like a family moment type of situation to me. Sombra’s the rebellious late teens early twenties daughter, Widowmaker’s the mom who’s had to deal with one of these artistic projects before, and Reaper is the dad who indeed is going through a midlife crisis.
More like mid unlife crisis hehe
On a somewhat unrelated note, I hold to the theory that Sombra is somehow directly related to Reaper (if not his own daughter) and neither of them know it because the last time they saw each other was before the Omnic Crisis.
One turned into a high-tech spectre while the other is a cyborg hacker. Would be pretty neat, Sombra seems be trying to figure out who is actually messing with the world so maybe she’ll one day end up dragging Reaper out of Talon (Widowmaker too hopefully)
I like it }:D
That’s just nuts. He seems a little testy. He should give his tailor the sack. But, y’know, whatever gives you happenis.
I mean, Reaper actually makes his own costumes in canon. Which is really funny to think that his Legendary skins were all lovingly hand-crafted between murder-sprees.
Kinda prickly, eh? Well, you don’t have to be a dick about it…
Reaper have unparalleled fashion sense.
One of these days I should at least try to learn something about Overwatch so I can get all these jokes that so many webcomic artists are making about it.
At the moment, the extent of my knowledge about the series is that it’s a fun game and has some cute girls.
Which is basically all I need to know to list it as a positive in this world, so hey!
Hmm… Heidi Klum would love it, Nina Garcia would hate it, and of course, Zac Posen would be in the middle about it. But Timm Gunn, bless him, would just sigh and say “Edition, edition, edition” and ” Make it work!”. Oh, and the use of gabrielito, its more like a “Do you need an intervention, or there is something on?” (spanish speaker, so yes i also know). And also surprising not the mention of the chancla, also.
To me it looks a lot like Voldo, in a long coat… (You’ve played Soul Caliber right Colesquid?)
In Widowmaker’s defense, even her outfit isn’t quite that revealing.
Honestly? Dude looks like the Disturbed mascot from the “Vengeful One” music video now.
I don’t see this as a downgrade.
Now I want Overwatch to do a “casual fall outfits” line of outfits so bad
Man there’s been too much focus on overwatch since it came out, seems like 1 in ever 3 comics is overwatch :/ what gives?
For everyone who thought he was edge before…
It seems one of Karl Lagerfeld’s fall designs.
I think I saw this exact outfit at the last halloween party I went to at my local gay bar.
Or at the last Bear Weekend.
You know. Whatever.
Buttplug shoulders. nice.
Comparing the concept art to the final product, I’m convinced that the whole idea for Reaper’s character design from ground up was “make him as much of a 90’s Liefeldian edgelord as possible”.
Are the criticizing the size of his cod piece?
He looks so empowered…
Oh geez. I am sorry to say it but I am very into this look for Reaper. *fans self with hand*
See, boys, THIS is what girls mean when they talk about male-equivalent sexual fantasy characters! And notice how the game devs went, “give him more cloak” and not, “ditch the cloak” for the final character design.
Bwhahhahaha! That design…
Also, Widow and Sombra’s responses were great, haha
Shouldn’t Widow be pushing the shades up to COVER her eyes