I was gonna do a comic about Commander and his kids for father’s day, but y’know what, I decided to do a Canadian guy comic instead. Happy father’s day!
Archive for comic
I dunno how many people have heard of pillow fight leagues, but it’s one of those things I thought was just a lame excuse for guys to go ogle chicks pretending to be in some kind of sleepover fantasy before […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Broody dark-skinned white-haired mage-hating warrior who knows his way around Seheron, regrets irrationally killing a group of people who nursed him back to health and has a thing for big two-handed swords. Think about it. I actually liked Fenris as […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This was a rush job, I’m just tired of looking at it. Oh well, still made it up before midnight OH! I wanted to aim you guys over to a fledgeling Podcast made by some of my Sheridan bros. Aim […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve chosen to believe that there are enough people reading this comic who have seen Ugly Betty AND the Resident Evil movie to appreciate this. At least I’m sure there are out of the circle of friends I keep. But […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And so Commander gets to go back to whatever it is he does when he’s not sending his surrogate assistant into portal mazes. I’m sure he very shortly learned that the reason you can’t put all that crap in muffins […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I just wanted an excuse to draw somebody futzing up portals until they got stuck in a water ball. Also, I started a tumblr, even though it only has one thing I actually drew on it so far.
That pillar was the closest approximation I could think of to what AM is supposed to look like
Coelasquid May 2, 2011 12:00 amYeah… I was thinking about just using HAL for this because more people would get the reference, but, you know, I’d feel like I was doing a disservice if I didn’t do my part to introduce new blood to the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
He wants that more than any fish has ever wanted a cupcake
Coelasquid April 25, 2011 12:00 amMr. Fish’s determination to get that cupcake inspired by years of watching my bird try so hard to steal peanuts from people.
Yeah, this one probably requires playing Dragon Age 2 to get, but uh, every time I talk to the Arishok and ask him to tell me more about the Qun I just get responses that the Qunari way is too […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…