“Well, sort of. I just had a story to tell that you might appreciate, and it concerns your comic in a semi-big way :)
A friend of mine is heading to basic training in a couple days and to Afghanistan soon after that. Since he’s been a long time manly guys fan, me friends and I knew we had to get him a gift that was both practical, manly, and bad ass.
So we pooled our money to buy him a ka-bar combat knife (dangerous, practical, and manly, yeah?) but it wasn’t quite good enough for him yet. So we went to a specialty engraver and had him etch ‘strength +1’ onto the knife’s side. Since it was then a magical weapon we knew it could deal damage to ghosts, so he would be extra safe. But that was still not enough.
So we wrote him a DnD character sheet and drew a picture for an epic level fighter who was 12 stories tall made of radiation, and wrapped the knife up in it to help imbue it with more awesome. It still wasn’t strong enough though, and we felt deeply concerned about the state of things.
Finally one of our party had a lightbulb moment and printed out large colour copies of the DnD page of Manly Guys, and we wrapped the entire gift in Manly Guys Doing Manly Things wrapping paper and lo, it was complete.
I know it might not sound like that big of a deal, but it was awesome to hear him laugh when he saw the wrapping paper, and I think it lent a punch of manliness to the gift as a whole. Not sure if you’d care, but it made me smile so I hope it makes you smile a bit too.
Thanks for your awesome comic. You’re inspiring real manly men every day with your badass humor.
Just wanted to post this because it gave me the warm fuzzies.

Manly men giving manly gifts.
I just got warm fuzzies too. Manly men can feel the fuzzies, appreciate them and then wrestle a bear!
Thanks for sharing!
It’s cool man. Bears are fuzzy.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear… XD
Best man-gift ever! <3
It’s both cute and manly.
Paraphrased from somewhere I can’t remember:
“Once your work has managed to influence and change people,
for better or for worse, there’s no turning back”
Man i always wanted a +1 knife in the army. those stupid gosts!
Awesome gift with awesome finishing touches wrapped in awesomeness. I think the Awesome-o-meter is off the charts!
Link to the original comic for story completeness?
(When did you make a DnD comic?!)
might be this one: http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/551
Yepyep that’s what it looks like. Very ep–
*desperately trying not to use the “E” word to describe this gift*
What a fantastic way to show your appreciation. Awesome!
Commander, I don’t care what you say, but “EPPICCCCCCC!~”
If I ever get famous, I’m dragging MGDMT up with me because it’s amazing!
hey, mr. weskin is so much christopher walken! he cld “convince” you to do anything egardless of price…..
I barely read any of that because I kept getting distracted by the MANLY MANBEARD in the photo.
You do realize that unless he goes to a reserve/ National Guard unit he has no idea of where hes going, or when he is getting deployed… shoot, i am still waiting after…28? months of dwell time (time not deployed). make sure he doesnt bring it with him, i caught some hell for bringing some knives to BCT. its the thought that counts though. hehe, i love all my Ka-Bars. enjoy! write him lots o’ letters!!
Yeah we know that, but Afghanistan seems the likely destination. I know it’s not a done deal, but regardless of where he goes at least he’ll be well equipped.
Thats not necessarily true-for instance, my brother learned farsi as part of his tec school, you can bet your ass he got deployed to the middle east, I know thats kindof an extreme case, but with alot of the jobs you can pretty easily guess where there off to…My husband kinda is the same, while he has yet to be deployed he *knows* hell be sent to a non combat area because he works on cargo planes- the planes only touch down to deliver stuff to the combat zones, so hell be stationed in whichever nearby friendly country so he can actually *work* on the planes (and yes, maintenance IS a job that transfers over when your deployed)
And I would hope most people know not to take any personal items to basic :P
The guy’s face in the pic is both hilarious and sweet. Brofist to the guys who gave him that gift, I’d probably cry tears of joy if that happened to me.
There were about ten of us, though it’s manly beard man in the background who thought up what we should give him.
That made my testicles swell with envy.
That KA-BAR made mine swell with something else. Those are damn good knives. I still got one I bought at a military surplus store made from tungsten carbide.
Very practical. Now when he kills anything he has something to carve out its heart with. No wasted courage for him, no sir!
That’s a pretty epic gift. Congrats to your friend for enlisting. I did the same thing last year and if everything pans out I’ll be heading to Afghanistan next year. Best of luck to him, basic is an adventure to say the least ^^;
Oooh. Beardy fellow. So… beardy <3
After discovering Manly guys during my tenure in Iraq, and of course sharing it with my rather nerdy squadmate, I thought nothing would beat my +1 M4 of Falling, but I certainly wish my friends would have gotten me a gift like that (or heck, even a steak knife with some Sharpie…)
This and Manly tears were some of the few things that I ever saw that managed to be so cute and manly at the same time. I can’t really describe how it feels, but it’s like a mix between the fuzziness of true friendship and the hype of a pre battle speech. Tell your friend he has made many people jealous of the friends he has.
All I can think is, “Now we have a soldier who can hunt Osama bin Laden’s ghost down and kill him again.” I then go on to think, “This should stop him from tweeting for good.” Then I remember @Osamainhell. Still worth a shot, I think.
Don’t worry I’ll get that one.
Now thats a manly gift i wish they did make wrapping paper as manly as this
Was that a reference to Brad Neely’s George Washington Rap?
yessir it was, we are classy like that.
This is AWESOME, but…………… Gosh, I just wanna see a picture of the knife! :/
Sort of seriously the best way of showing someone you care about them.
Just look at that expression. Golden, natural, unfiltered joy and happiness. That it is.
Coela, you should open a store tab and start selling real Manly Guys merchandise, like wrapping paper. Imagine how well a Mr. Fish plushie would sell…
And how!
Jones must be a very laid back, understanding lady. Most chicks would get angry if their man was thinking wistfully about his ex :P
that was supposed to go on the comic discussion… not this pic.. oops
Haha, now THAT is an awesome gift.
“Since it was then a magical weapon we knew it could deal damage to ghosts, so he would be extra safe.”